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"Seems odd, sir," hazarded Carrick when a comparatively smooth piece of road permitted more than monosyllabic profanity, "seems odd that we've seen ten women to one man so far. These are all 'has beens. No young chaps workin' in the fields. What do you make of it, sir?" "The ones not already drafted for Manchuria are dodging Russian conscription most likely." "Think so, sir?"

And so on and so on. We set down the five known facts by themselves on a piece of paper, and numbered it "page 1"; then on fifteen hundred other pieces of paper we set down the "conjectures," and "suppositions," and "maybes," and "perhapses," and "doubtlesses," and "rumors," and "guesses," and "probabilities," and "likelihoods," and "we are permitted to thinks," and "we are warranted in believings," and "might have beens," and "could have beens," and "must have beens," and "unquestionablys," and "without a shadow of doubt" and behold!

The Nation of the Rickerries is about 600 men able to bear arms a Great perpotion of them have fusees they appear to be peacefull, their men tall and perpotiend, womin Small and industerous, raise great quantities of Corn Beens Simmins &c. also Tobacco for the men to Smoke they Collect all the wood and do the drugery as Common amongst Savages.

He had just opened a store on our street and in a Lady Bountiful spirit of helping him out, I went in to do a little trading. I told him I would like a can of baked beans. Baked beans, but he didn't seem to understand. So pointing over the counter where they were in plain sight, I said with all my teeth and tongue: "Baaked Beens." He followed my finger.

"'Let's go down into the cabin, she ses, at last, with a little shiver; 'it makes me melancholy sitting here and thinking of the "might-have- beens." "I got up first and 'elped her up, and, arter both staring hard at the cook, wot didn't seem to know 'is place, we went down into the cabin.

He jumped up from his chair, and, seizing the other's hand, shook it fervently. "I oughtn't to have told you, George," said Mr. Clarkson, with great satisfaction. "It'll only make you miserable. It's just one o' the might ha' beens." Mr. Smithson, with his back to the fire and his hands twisted behind him, stood with his eyes fixed in thought.

To those who know what it is to breathe, live, and act under the soothing influence of a first love, the page would be a superfluous one, and to those for whom such a blessed phase of life is yet among the things to be, mine must not be the pen that will spoil the luxury thereof by anticipating its joy and again, to the wrinkled brows and aching hearts for which such a thing lies among the "might have beens," oh, I will not surely speak I see their blinding tears I hear a long, mournful sigh somebody's fate is cursed, somebody's hope is trampled, somebody's heart is withered and dead!

"'Let's go down into the cabin, she ses, at last, with a little shiver; 'it makes me melancholy sitting here and thinking of the "might-have- beens." "I got up first and 'elped her up, and, arter both staring hard at the cook, wot didn't seem to know 'is place, we went down into the cabin.

He jumped up from his chair, and, seizing the other's hand, shook it fervently. "I oughtn't to have told you, George," said Mr. Clarkson, with great satisfaction. "It'll only make you miserable. It's just one o' the might ha' beens." Mr. Smithson, with his back to the fire and his hands twisted behind him, stood with his eyes fixed in thought.

fat pork and beens thats what it meens that Beanys got the belyake from fat pork and beens. and then Beany he made up this poitry about me, Plupy Shute is meener than Pewt and he is a prety meen galoot.