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'Beaucoup, beaucoup, said Delia, extending two little white hands sparkling with gems. 'If he come in ever so, how do you call it? heavy, not that: in the domps. Ah! it is that. If ever he come in the domps, he goes out always like a soufflée. 'As empty, I have no doubt, said the witty lady.

Femme travaille, fait la noce, tout le temps. Toujours avec officiers anglais. Gagne beaucoup, cent franc, deux cent franc, trois cent franc, toutes les nuits. Anglais riches. Femme me donne tout. Moi no travailler. Bon, eh?" Grateful for this little piece of information, and with his leer an inch from my chin, I answered slowly and calmly that it certainly was.

"I don't want to hinder you in your life, Andre," she said brokenly. "Ca me donne beaucoup de peine. But you see, don't you, that I couldn't do it?" He soothed her as best he could. Les Petit Patou would invent new business, of a comicality that would once more make their fortunes. That being so, why should they not be married? She looked at him searchingly. "You desire it as much as that?"

Along with the above testimony we have, however, to take note of what Berlioz said on the subject: "Chopin supportait mal le frein de la mesure; il a pousse beaucoup trap loin, selon moi, l'independance rhythmique." Indeed, so strange was Chopin's style that when Mr. Charles Halle first heard him play his compositions he could not imagine how what he heard was represented by musical signs.

Mos' people wat comes here is more graspin'. Mos' people wants ter git out." "Ha!" said Tulitz. "De warden said fer me ter come in here an' tell yer' he'd send fer anybody yer wanter see." "Zere is nopotty." "Aincher got no friends?" "Ven I haf money, I have friend beaucoup, more friend as I know vat to do viz. I haf no money now." "Wot's your bail?" "Fi' tousant tollaire! Bah!

while of those previously described writers it may be said, in the words of the same poet, et qui parlant beaucoup ne disent jamais rien.

General de la Motterouge had fought in the Crimea: "Peu de feu et beaucoup de bayonette" had been his maxim then. But the Crimea was fifteen years earlier, and de la Motterouge was now an old man. Before the superior numbers and the perfectly drilled and equipped army of von der Tann, what could he do but retreat?

Well Al I hadn't no sooner found out when 1 of the boys hands me a letter that just come and it was a letter from this baby doll that I told you about that's in Cologne and I will coppy down the letter so you can see for yourself what she says and here it is Al: Dear Sammy Boy: I was tres beaucoup to get your letter and will sure be glad to see you and can hardly wait till you get here.

"Merci beaucoup pour my clothes and other beautiful things. I like them. Je t'aime je t'aime toujours. My father will not permit me to go back. Comme how I desire to see you! My father has been sick. He fell down or was hurt in the street. There was blood a great deal. Are they well the others? Tell Monsieur Dick I give him tout mon coeur. Come to see me if it is permit. No more.

"I fancy this great London world will give me very little pleasure; it may be pleasant enough to young men just let loose from college, but your crowded ball-rooms and monotonous clubs will be wearisome to one who has grown fastidious before his time. /J'ai vecu beaucoup dans peu d'annees.