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She sat huddled together, looking very small and desolate; her eyes the one noble feature of her face swimming with tears. "No, no; don't go," she cried in tones of childlike entreaty. "Why should you go? I like you, and I meant no harm. I've had the beastliest day, and meeting you was a let-up. You did me good somehow. Cappadocia was quite right in taking to you.

"My husband, sir; I won't deny him. He is the cross as I have to carry, and precious heavy he is. You must have heard of Sergeant Baggett; the most drunkenest, beastliest, idlest scoundrel as ever the Queen had in the army, and the most difficultest for a woman to put up with in the way of a husband!

This is just the beastliest thing that's ever happened to me in all my life." "I can't understand it!" puzzled Mavis, with her forehead in wrinkles. Merle was stumping along the path with her hands in the pockets of her jersey. "Why should they accuse me, of all people in the world, of climbing in through the study window? Sybil must have been dreaming. She's an idiot of a girl.

Walpole wrote from Paris on Nov. 19, 1765, 'Paris is the ugliest, beastliest town in the universe, and describes the nastiness of the talk of French women of the first rank. Ib. p. 435. Mrs.

'It is the beastliest hole I ever put my foot in since I was born, said Dick, who had just stumbled and nearly came to the ground with his burden. 'They told us that Nobble was a fine town. Henniker's hotel was a long, low wooden shanty, divided into various very small partitions by thin planks, in most of which two or more dirty-looking beds had been packed very closely.

'I suppose, said De Blacquaire, scratching lines on the ground before him with one of his crutches, 'that you're one of the beastliest old bounders that one could find on the face of the earth, and I have the best sort of a good mind to get you into trouble. I suppose you know that? 'Very well, said John Jervase.

When first we knew Daisy we used to call her the White Mouse, and her brother had all the appearance of being one too, but you know how untruthful appearances are, or else it was that we taught him happier things, for he certainly turned out quite different in the end; and she was not a bad sort of kid, though we never could quite cure her of wanting to be "ladylike" that is the beastliest word there is, I think, and Albert's uncle says so, too.

"I had mine in bed," Madge said, as George rose and pulled out a chair for her. "Isn't this the beastliest fashion, having little tables?" "That's what I told Oscar." "Oscar and Flora will never have too much of restaurants. They belong to the class which finds all that it wants in a jazz band and scrambled eggs at Jack's at one o'clock in the morning.

Honorary,” muttered the Assistant Commissioner through his teeth. “Heavens!” Toodles looked so thunderstruck that the Assistant Commissioner smiled faintly. “That’s between ourselves strictly,” he said. “That’s the beastliest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” declared Toodles feebly, as if astonishment had robbed him of all his buoyant strength in a second.

Oakes looked down at Tommy, and Tommy glared up at Oakes. Then abruptly Major Ralston, who had been standing in the background with a tall drink in his hand, slouched forward and let himself down ponderously on the edge of the verandah by Tommy's side. "Go away, Bertie!" he said. "We've listened to your wind instrument long enough. Tommy, you shut up, or I'll give you the beastliest physic I know!