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The lawyers, doctors and office-holders, pay their assessments in cash; the merchants furnish provisions, the lumbermen supply lumber, and the miners make the dam, and help the carpenters build the flume. Beach-Mining. Beach-mining is the business of washing the sands of the ocean-beach.

Between one and two thousand men were at work on the beach at one time, yet so good-natured were they that no quarrels seem to have occurred. Doctors, lawyers, barkeepers, and all dropped their business and went to-rocking, as they call beach-mining." "Oh, dad, let's hurry and go and see it," cried Ted, as they hurried through their dinner at the hotel.

Men were standing about talking and laughing, others working hard. All manner of men were there scattered over the tundra, and Ted became interested in two who were working together in silence. "What are they doing?" he asked his father. "I can't see how they expect to get anything worth having out of this mess." "Beach-mining is quite different from any other," said his father.

Here, at the edge of the water, and even standing in the surf, were many men at work, beach-mining with Long-Toms' or other contrivances, and all wore high-topped rubber boots. "Looking about for the claim in which we were so much interested, we finally found the corner stakes, and the St. Charles cream can in which the location notice had been placed by Leroy a few months before.