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Then without waiting for a reply he added most tenderly and unexpectedly, "Isn't it nice that you're not dead, mamma?" "Why do you think that, my son?" she asked, wondering what he would say. "Oh, be-cause I am so glad about it." And at this sweet little speech his mother caught him up in her arms and kissed him. How could she help it?

At one time the little girl remarked: "I wonder when we'll reach the bottom of this hole. And isn't it funny, Shaggy Man, that what is the bottom to us now, was the top when we fell the other way?" "What puzzles me," said Files, "is that we are able to fall both ways." "That," announced Tik-Tok, "is be-cause the world is round." "Exactly," responded Shaggy.

"And what are Nomes?" asked the girl, half frightened. "They are rock fair-ies, and serve the Nome King," replied the machine. "But they will do us no harm. You must call for the King, be-cause with-out him you can ne-ver find the en-trance to the pal-ace." "YOU call," said Dorothy to Ozma.

After spending a few days in the city, endeavoring to impress its inhabitants with a sense of his consequence, and mentally styling them all "Know Nothings," be-cause they did not seem to be more affected, he one afternoon donned his best suit, and started for Mr. Livingstone's, thinking he should create a sensation there, for wasn't he as good as anybody?

"There is no rea-son to be a-fraid of the Wheel-ers," said Tiktok, the words coming more slowly than before. "Why not?" she asked. "Be-cause they are ag-g-g gr-gr-r-r-"

"Look here," she said, "you say that if you write those stylish things that take up such a lot of time, they only pay you less for them." "Well?" "Well, is it fair of you to go on writing them?" "Fair of me? My dear child, why not?" "Be-cause, if I buy stylish things I have to pay for them. And I've been buying them long enough, just to please you." "I don't follow.

The Hare took no notice. He only tucked his arm affectionately into Toppin's, knowing that he was keeping within his rights in doing so. Toppin could say nothing. Arm-in-arm is quite correct and English! "I have som-ting to say. Zat Armitage he did not ought to be gone chasing paper. He is bad! I hate him, don' like him!" "Why?" enquired Toppin, with wide-open eyes. "Be-cause he try to drown you.

"Do the lunch-box trees and the dinner-pail trees belong to the Wheelers?" the child asked Tiktok, while engaged in eating her meal. "Of course not," he answered. "They be-long to the roy-al fam-il-y of Ev, on-ly of course there is no roy-al fam-il-y just now be-cause King Ev-ol-do jumped in-to the sea and his wife and ten chil-dren have been trans-formed by the Nome King.

It was something that would have been accepted off-handedly by me. I had been in jail often, not for a cause, as I punned wretchedly, but be-cause. I did not accord hero-worship to Penton when he returned, as the women of the household did. For a week it quite reconciled Hildreth with him.... But on the first night of his absence Hildreth and I took a stroll together in the moonlight.

"Aren't you going to let me thank you?" "You needn't. I was only helping Mrs. Downey." "Oh " "She's been having a grand turn-out while you were away." "The deuce she has " "Oh you needn't be frightened. Nobody's touched your precious books but me. I wouldn't let them." "Why wouldn't you let them?" "Be-cause Oh, I say, it's six o'clock; are you going to stay?" "Perhaps. Why?"