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Will not this be better, Don Bob, than pistil and stamen and radicle? than wearing out BBB lead pencils in drawing tumble-down castles, rickety cottages, and dumpling-shaped trees? than acquiring a language which has no literature fit for a girl to read? than mistressing the absurd modern piano music? than taking diplomas from institutes, which most certainly do not express all that young women learn in those venerable seats of learning?

* See this matter discussed in Bacon's Letters published by Dr Birch, p. 181. See note BBB, at the end of the volume. * Franklyn, p. 32. He asserted, in the most solemn manner, that he had nowise contributed to Essex's death: but the last letter in Murden's Collection contains the strongest proof of the contrary.

She was very tired of all the Hyde-Lodge lessons and accomplishments, the irregular French verbs the "braires" and "traires" which were so difficult to remember, and which nobody ever could want to use in polite conversation; the ruined castles and dilapidated windmills, the perpetual stumpy pieces of fallen timber and jagged posts, executed with a BBB pencil; the chalky expanse of sky, with that inevitable flight of crows scudding across it: why must there be always crows scudding across a drawing-master's sky, and why so many jagged posts in a drawing-master's ideal of rural beauty?

Describe circles aaa, each half the diameter of A. The circles bbb are then drawn from centres on the lines RRR, and with the same radius as aaa., The same centres are used for describing the circles a1 a1 a1 and b1 b1 b1, parts of which form the inner boundary of the line. The background should be blackened and the belt left white or be painted some bright colour.