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He pointed across the square to a café under the shadow of the gloomy prison. "Let us go and drink a bavaroise. You are of all men the man we want, the man we have been seeking everywhere, and behold! you drop from the skies into my path." They crossed the square and entered the café. "So you think the world has been standing still! Dieu de Dieu!

There, from 1802 to 1804, all the bourgeois of Soulanges played at dominoes and a game of cards called "brelan," drank tiny glasses of liqueur or boiled wine, and ate brandied fruits and biscuits; for the dearness of colonial products had banished coffee, sugar, and chocolate. Punch was a great luxury; so was "bavaroise."

I give you my word, my boy, until I met her I didn't know a woman existed who could talk so damned sensibly about a bavaroise au rhum. He suspended his striking tribute in order to relight his cigar. 'She can use a chafing-dish, he resumed, his voice vibrating with emotion. 'She told me so. She said she could fix chicken so that a man would leave home for it. He paused, momentarily overcome.

Well, sir, we never make coffee but in the afternoon. Would you like a good bavaroise, or a decanter of orgeat?" "Yes, give me the orgeat." I find that beverage delicious, and make up my mind to have it daily for my breakfast. I enquire from the waiter whether there is any news; he answers that the dauphine has been delivered of a prince. An abbe, seated at a table close by, says to him,

Well, sir, we never make coffee but in the afternoon. Would you like a good bavaroise, or a decanter of orgeat?" "Yes, give me the orgeat." I find that beverage delicious, and make up my mind to have it daily for my breakfast. I enquire from the waiter whether there is any news; he answers that the dauphine has been delivered of a prince. An abbe, seated at a table close by, says to him,

The orchestra looked resignedly bored. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Marquis Drouyn de l'Huys, gave a costume ball which was even finer than the last. Worth, Laferrieres, and Felix outdid themselves. The Empress had a magnificent dress une ancienne dame Bavaroise. She looked superb, actually covered and blazing with jewels. The Comtesse de Castiglione had imagined a costume as "La Verite."