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Giles has shown that longings occur much more frequently in the first than in any subsequent pregnancy; there is a regular decrease with the increase in number of pregnancies until in women with ten or more children the longings scarcely occur at all. We must probably regard longings as based on a physiological and psychic tendency which is of universal extension and almost or quite normal.

The new scheme was based upon a theory which had been evolved out of the experiences of autumn manoeuvre battles collated on the office desks of Pall Mall, that the easiest method of defeating the enemy with a small casualty list was to contain his front and attack one or both of his flanks; and General Officers had come to regard this as the regulation opening to which they were bound to conform.

His next success was a success based on the power of His personality, and His knowledge of the human spirit and his victory over His own spirit his success in curing people's diseases and His extraordinary roll of miracles. He finally tried failure at the end, or what looked like failure, because the Cross completed what he had had to say. It made His success seem greater.

"All my training has been based on the axiomatic fact that the map is not the territory. Psionics, as I understand it, holds that the map is practically the territory, but can't prove it. So I simply don't know what to believe. On one hand, I have had real hunches all my life. On the other, the signal doesn't carry much information. More like hearing a siren when you're driving along a street.

In fact, it was simply to retire from his government in disgrace. All this the Reverend Cotton Mather represented to Sir William, with much else of a less worldly, but no doubt still more effective character, based upon various passages of the old Testament rather than upon anything corresponding to them in the New.

His "Characters of our Age" is distinguished for the exactness and variety of the portraits, as well as for the excellence of its style. The philosophy of La Bruyere is unquestionably based on reason, and not on revelation. He professed optimism, and explained the existence of evil by saying that the Deity acts only as a universal cause.

Those who serve the evil one can neither trust each other nor trust their master. The only real confidence in each other which can exist among men or boys must be based on moral and religious principle.

His biographer does not document his statements, many of which appear to be based on the recollections of members of Kelly's family, and it is difficult to reconcile some of them with what few facts are available.

The very oldest of the ideographic signs of Chaldæa are much farther removed from the objects upon which they were based than the Egyptian hieroglyphs; and when the wedge became the primary element of all the characters, the scribe ceased to give even the most distant hint of the real forms of the things signified.

It was based upon a principle recognised in theory, though little carried out in practice, above ground viz., that the object of all systems of philosophical thought tends to the attainment of unity, or the ascent through all intervening labyrinths to the simplicity of a single first cause or principle.