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I found myself in a large oak-panelled room, with small barred windows admitting a sickly light. The floor was paved with stone; and in the centre, built into the pavement, stood a large block of basalt, black and smooth, which was roughly carved into the semblance of a gigantic human head.

This mountain, the upper part of which is formed of beds of ashes, reaches an elevation of 3,169 feet, so that the accumulated thickness of the beds of basalt under the higher part of the mountain must be at least equal to the amount stated above that is, twice as great as the representative masses of Antrim.

Joe Basalt seeing that young Jack was still itching to have a go at the shark, seized him by the collar and dragged him in. They then rested on their oars and prepared to give the elder Harkaway any assistance they could. "I lay five to three against the monster of the deep," said Harvey. "I accept the wager on those terms," said Mole, who having discovered that he was unhurt, was reviving.

They gave Joe Basalt a good stiff tumbler of grog and where is the sailor who could resist that? and oh, wickedness! the grog was hocussed. In plainer language, that means drugged. Not very long after drinking their healths in a bumper, old Joe felt drowsy, and he fell asleep.

It is a significant fact, and one which proves that the various kinds of coal which are found are nothing but stages begotten by different degrees of disentanglement of the contained gases, that where, as in some parts, a mass of basalt has come into contact with ordinary bituminous coal, the coal has assumed the character of anthracite, whilst the change has in some instances gone so far as to convert the anthracite into graphite.

Behold, my flesh is solid as basalt, my bones are bones of steel! "I will be present on the last day of the world with the same body and the same features which I had during my lifetime. My daughter Hermonthis will last longer than a statue of bronze.

When we were sitting in the evening, after a hot day, it was quite common to hear these masses of basalt split and fall among each other with the peculiar ringing sound which makes people believe that this rock contains much iron.

"I'll bet you don't know what kind of stone that is yonder where the giant dripped blood." "There isn't any giant's blood!" exclaimed Diana scornfully. "That is just red quartz!" "Oh, and what's the layer next to it?" demanded Nucky skeptically. "That's black basalt," answered the little girl. Then, leaning far out of the saddle to point to the depths below, "and that " "Frank!" shouted Nucky.

"All right, Basalt," said Harkaway; "only look sharp after the young gentlemen; you know what boys they are to get into mischief." "All right, your honour; trust me." "I do, Joe Basalt," responded Harkaway; "I do, for I know that there was never a straighter or truer man ever trod a deck than you are." "Come, I say, your honour," remonstrated Joe Basalt, modestly, "draw it mild."

I left no trail in crossing the stony bed of the brook, and took advantage of a low basalt bluff in climbing the farther bank. It was while I was working my way over the rock into cover of the trees that the pleasant calling on the ridge behind me changed to the first terrible cry. The mother had found her dead baby.