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"Never mind, Barry," says I. "Line of duty. And I'll be on hand by the time your case is called." "Right-o!" says Barry cheerful. Myers, he was ambitious to lug us both along, but the sergeant couldn't see it that way. So while Barry's bein' walked off to police court, I jumps into a taxi and heads for McCrea's hotel. If he'd been in bed I meant to rout him out. But he wasn't.

"There's been an accident," began Barry awkwardly. "Lady Gertrude " "Is she killed?" in shocked tones. "No, no. But she had another attack this morning heart, or temper and as the doctor was out when they 'phoned for him, she sent Roger rushing off post-haste in the car to find him and bring him along. And" he hesitated a little "I'm afraid he's had rather a bad smash-up."

"Not while I was around." "Yes," persisted the other, "but what was they after." "Oh, an extry pair of boots, and a shirt, and some tobacco, et cetery," replied Buck Barry contemptuously. "Let's see them," shouted several voices. After a moment's delay two ragged and furtive Mexicans were dragged before the assembly. A contemplative silence ensued.

She told me she had once taken down an eighty-thousand-word book, typed it, and seen it through the press, because the author was nearly blind. So she would really know all about the work." "Yes." Toni wondered, dully, why the sunshine which poured over her held no warmth to-day. "Well, I'll drop a line to Barry and ask him if he can spare her for a bit.

"There, good-bye once more, Velo. Don't work too hard, and, if a man-of-war comes, be sure you go on board and give the captain that letter. Come, Mrs. Tracey, we must be going. See, Barradas is already hove short, and waiting for us." Helping Mrs. Tracey into the whaleboat, Barry followed, and grasped the long steer-oar. "Give it to her, men, there's the brig breaking her heart to get away."

He had been ordered to admit no visitor into the house at all, unless it were some one from the firm of Grey & Barry. From the moment in which he had got rid of Miss Thoroughbung he had been subject to some dread lest she should return. Or if not she herself, she might, he thought, send Soames & Simpson, or some denizen from the brewery.

His father's voice was quietly authoritative and Barry yielded. "All right, dad. I'll do as you say, and this afternoon well, we'll see." At the noonday meal they were conscious of a mutual restraint. For the first time in their lives they were not opening to each other their innermost souls. The experience was as distressing as it was unusual.

My sentry, who gave you my messages, was killed by an arrow from over the creek; my men at the river saw his body floating down. Otherwise you would not have been in that peril from fire." Barry met his eye with a wry smile, as if to question whether it might not have been well to warn the shipmaster, instead of keeping him and his ship in the safe keeping of a little brown man in a tree.

It won't be very long now before they come.... The pain's bad, I know." Gerda's head was hot and felt giddy. She moved it restlessly. Urgent thoughts pestered her; her normal reticences lay like broken fences about her. "Nan." "Yes. Shall I raise your head a little?" "No, it's all right.... About Barry, Nan." Nan grew rigid, strung up to endure. "And what about Barry?" "Just that I love him.

The necklace, which has been already spoken of, and which was originally destined by Louis XV. for Marie Antoinette had her hand, by divorce, been transferred to him but which, though afterwards intended by Louis XV. for his mistress, Du Barry, never came to her in consequence of his death this fatal necklace was still in existence, and in the possession of the crown jewellers, Boehmer and Bassange.