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"Must be pretty close to the centre of the area of low pressure," Grief remarked cheerfully. "I was never through the eye of a hurricane before. It will be an experience for you, too, Mulhall. From the speed the barometer's dropped, it's going to be a big one." Captain Warfield groaned, and all eyes drew to him. He was looking through the glasses down the length of the lagoon to the southeast.

At midnight, however, Tom and I were awakened by a knock at our cabin door, and the gruff voice of Powell, saying: 'The barometer's going down very fast, please, sir, and it's lightning awful in the sou'-west. There's a heavy storm coming up. We were soon on deck, where we found all hands busily engaged in preparing for the tempest. Around us a splendid sight presented itself.

That Captain Luke did not like the look of things was plain enough from his sharp glances about him and from his frequent examinations of the glass; and he seemed to be all the more bothered his seaman's instinct that a storm was brewing being at odds with the barometer's prophecy by the fact that the mercury showed a marked tendency to rise.

The day grew suddenly dark, as a squall obscured the face of the sun. Across the lagoon Raoul could see approaching the ominous line of the puff of wind. "Captain Raffy says you've got to get to hell outa here," was the mate's greeting. "If there's any shell, we've got to run the risk of picking it up later on so he says. The barometer's dropped to twenty-nine-seventy."

Ah, that's it Carville. Yep. His stage name's Lord. No, he can't come all the way at one lap. You must be crazy. He'd want a ship load of gasoline. We had it all planned years ago. North or south he must go. Barometer's been steady now all over the Atlantic, so he's gone south Madeira, Azores, Barbados and so on.

Speaking personally, however, I have no need to consult the barometer's face to see what the weather is going to do, or the thermometer's tube to see what it has done. No person needs to do so who is favored naturally as I am. I have one of the most dependable soft corns in the business.

"I've had suspicions of it all day, but now the barometer's touched bottom." "The sky's clear," I suggested. He laughed, though without humor. "A sky isn't always clear because there're no clouds in it, Mr. Jack." "But what do you expect, Gates? We don't have storms at this season!" "You're right, sir.

"Why would we be half-bound?" said Bruno. "We're not prisoners!" But the Professor had forgotten all about them by this time, and was speaking to the Warden again. "You'll be glad to hear," he was saying, "that the Barometer's beginning to move " "Well, which way?" said the Warden adding, to the children, "Not that I care, you know. Only he thinks it affects the weather.

Of course nature had also her bad habits. There were sharks in the sea, and venomous things ashore, and there were the earthquake and the hurricane. Every window and door had heavy shutters armed with bars, rings, and ropes that came swiftly into use whenever between July and October the word ran through the town, "The barometer's falling."

The barometer's dropping. If it was August I'd say we were nosing into a typhoon. I always hated this yellow muck they call a sea over here. Did you pick up that light?" "Yes, sir," answered the wheelman. "I take it she's making south Hong-Kong way. There's plenty of sea room. She'll be well down before we cross her wake."