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"I have come," began Barnabas at last, withdrawing his eyes from the glittering steel with an effort, "I am here on behalf of one in whom I take an interest a great interest." "Yes, Mr. Beverley?" "I have undertaken to liquidate his debts." "Yes, Mr. Beverley." "To pay whatever he may owe, both principal and interest." "Indeed, Mr. Beverley! And his name?" "His name is Ronald Barrymaine."

At this, forthwith, Barnabas rode, steadied Four-legs in his stride, touched him with the spur, and cleared it with a foot to spare. Then, all at once, he drew rein and paced over the dewy grass to where, beneath the hedge, was a solitary man who knelt before a fire of twigs fanning it to a blaze with his wide-eaved hat.

"Yes, of course," answered Barnabas, "the appointment is for seven-thirty." "Seven-thirty!" nodded Mr. Shrig, "and a werry nice time for it too! Sunset, it'll be about a good light and not too long to vait till dark! Yes, seven-thirty's a werry good time for it!" "For what?" "V'y," said Mr. Shrig, lowering his voice suddenly, "let's say for 'it'!" "'It," repeated Barnabas, staring.

Barnabas; is it not a dear old building? Must you go back to Jack?" "Yes, I must," I answered, shortly. "Laborare est orare to labor is to pray, in my case, Carrie;" and with that I left her. But Carrie's arguments had seriously discomposed me. I longed to talk it all out with Allan, and I do not think I ever missed him so much as I did that day.

Now it would seem that since that night when the Caesar Nicephorus strove to hang himself, I had obtained and studied a copy of the Christian Scriptures how I do not know and therefore was able to discuss these matters with Barnabas the bishop.

"Why, then, Barnabas," Natty Bell began, as soon as his pipe was in full blast, "when you was so ill, d' ye see, John and me used to drive over frequent to see how you was, d' ye see. But you, being so ill, we weren't allowed to go up and see you, so she used to come down to us and talk of you. Ah! and very sweet and gentle she was eh, man Jack?"

"Why, yes, Barnabas," nodded John, "in honor o' this occasion though, to be sure, the sign would look better for a touch o' paint here and there the poor old Hound's only got three legs and a tail left, d' ye see and the hare, Barnabas, the hare ain't!" "P'r'aps we'd better take and let him see for hisself, John?" "Right, Natty Bell, so he shall."

Which way?" "Home, Duchess." "Home, home indeed? You are home this is your home. Ashleydown is yours now." "Yes," nodded Barnabas, "I suppose it is, but I shall never live here, I leave today. I am going home, but before I " "Home? What home which home?" "But before I do, I would thank you if I could, but how may I thank you for all your motherly care of me?

"You know my father?" he exclaimed. She laughed softly. "Every one knows the senator," she returned, "and I can assure you that his son is heartily welcome under this roof. Uncle Barnabas" to the ancient serving-man who was still hovering in the background "have Mr. Blount's horse put up and the blue room made ready."

But, though hounded by the law, I couldn't go without knowing precisely how you were without bidding you good-by without endeavoring to thank you to thank you for poor Barry's sake and my own, and also to return " "Come in," said Barnabas, stretching out his hand, "pray come in through the window if you can manage it." In an instant Mr.