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"And yet," said Barnabas, fronting him, white-faced, across the table, "I think I'm sure, there are four things you don't know. The first is that Lady Cleone has promised to marry me some day " "Go on to the next, liar!"

"Church was the only place where I COULD have gone that St. Barnabas' Day." "I would have gone," said the self-contradictory Henry, "only the Grevilles are always at one for being like a girl." "Ha! now we see daylight!" said the Captain. "'The Grevilles are at one, that's more like getting to the bottom of it."

"Oh, damn the fellow!" exclaimed the Viscount. "But he is your friend." "Hum!" said the Viscount; "but Carnaby is always Carnaby, and she " "Meaning the Lady Cleone," said Barnabas. "Is a woman " "'The lovely Meredith'!" nodded Barnabas. "Exactly!" said the Viscount, frowning; "and Carnaby is the devil with women." "But not this woman," answered Barnabas, frowning a little also.

A distant clock was striking the hour as Barnabas rode in at the rusted gates of Ashleydown and up beneath an avenue of sombre trees beyond which rose the chimneys of a spacious house, clear and plain against the palpitating splendor of the stars. But the house, like its surroundings, wore a desolate, neglected look, moreover it was dark, not a light was to be seen anywhere from attic to cellar.

But here a waiter appeared bearing a tray, and on the tray a letter; he was a young waiter, a very knowing waiter, hence his demeanor towards Barnabas had already undergone a subtle change he stared at Barnabas with inquisitive eyes and even forgot to bow until observing the Viscount's eye and the Marquis's chin, his back became immediately subservient and he tendered Barnabas the letter with a profound obeisance.

But Charlotte made no reply. Her dusky skirts swept around the bushes at the corner of the road, and Sylvia hurried tremulously after her. Neither of them dreamed that Barnabas watched them, standing in one of the front rooms of his new house. He had gone in there when he fled from Cephas Barnard's, and had not yet been home.

Up Chancery Lane and across Holborn went Barnabas, yet, as he turned down Leather Lane, there, sure enough, was the man in the neckcloth as dejected as ever, but not twelve yards behind. Half-way down crowded Leather Lane Barnabas turned off down a less frequented street and halting just beyond the corner, waited for his pursuer to come up.

The place was very silent, and very dark, save for one window where burned a dim light, and, moved by sudden impulse, Barnabas strode forward and, mounting the two steps, seized the knocker; but, even as he did so the door moved. Slowly, slowly it opened, swinging back on noiseless hinges, wider and wider until Barnabas could look into the dimness of the unlighted hall beyond.

Barnabas they called "Zeus," and Paul "Hermes," because he was the chief speaker. The priests of the temple of Zeus, which stood in front of the town, brought oxen and wreaths to the gates, so as to join the crowds in offering sacrifice to them. But when Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and rushed into the crowd, shouting, "Men, why are you doing this?

"Maybe I will," Rose whispered back. His face came closer, and she kissed him again. Then, with a murmured "good-night," she fled into the house, and the boy went down the hill with sweeter dreams in his heart than those which she had lost. On the Sunday following the one of Barnabas Thayer's call Sylvia Crane appeared at meeting in a black lace veil like a Spanish señorita.