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She sighed at the memory of the Barlows' superior advantages and the sigh sounded like a groan of reproach in Lorry's ears. Innocently, unconsciously, unaccusingly, Chrystie was rubbing in the failure of her stewardship. She combed at the ends of her hair, her eyes blind to its burnished brightness. "Would you like to have a party here?" she said in a solemn voice.

"There's no use in getting annoyed," said Patty, laughing, "for it's really nothing more nor less than I expected. The Barlows never catch the train they intend to take." "And Miss Allen? Is she the same kind of an 'Old Reliable'?" "No, Nan is different; and I believe that, left to herself, she'd be on time, though probably not ahead of time.

Not that you are to transport the whole colony of Barlows to New York," he added, as he saw Wilford's look of horror, "but make up your mind to endure what cannot be helped, resting yourself upon the fact that your position is such as cannot well be affected by any marriage you might make, provided the wife were right."

You've put it before me in letters of fire I'm dreadfully dull." "What would you like to do?" "Have some good times, lots of them. There aren't enough of them this way. We can't go to the theater too often or we'd get used to it, and I can't get the Barlows to come up here every week, they have such crowds of engagements."

She told me she was going to stay next week with the Barlows, so I shall have a run out to Wimbledon one afternoon. Dora looked at him inquiringly. 'Just to see Miss Rupert? she asked, meeting his eyes. 'To be sure. Why not? 'Oh! ejaculated his sister, as if the question did not concern her.

"Not that it's worth while to have everything in such spick-and-span order," said Patty to herself, "for the Barlows won't appreciate it, and what's more they'll turn everything inside out and upside down before they've been in the house an hour."

She heard her hostess state that Arthur Leeds was coming to stay in the house without any exhibition of visible emotion. Mrs. Gunnison said that, as the Barlows had other people coming, he was going to transfer himself to "Highlands," and that he would arrive in time for luncheon. Any fears which Miriam experienced were wholly offset by a devout thankfulness.

"Oh, yes, of course, I knew you expected her to-day. How do you do, Patty? I'm very glad to see you. I am Nan Allen, and I want you to like me better than you do any of the Barlows. Do you hear?" "Yes," said Patty, "but I'll wait until I see if you like me."

The Fleming family were entirely unacquainted with the Barlows, and could give no clue, but one and all were filled with consternation at the peremptory summons.

"Then what are we to do put it off?" "Yes, until Wednesday at noon. There's a slow train we can get. There's no use waiting till evening." She turned on him aghast. "But the Barlows? What am I to do about them? I've told Lorry I was going there on Tuesday." "Darling girl, that's very simple. You've had a letter to say they don't want you till Wednesday."