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She slipped noiselessly out, closing the window behind her. "I say, Mason, old top," said Freddie, entering the sitting-room, "I hope you don't mind my barging in like this but the fact is things are a bit thick. I'm dashed worried and I didn't know another soul I could talk it over with.

"I don't know who you are, my good man," he said, "nor why you come barging into this. What more d'you want? Your Napoleon of crime is in the oubliette, two of his dastard accomplices are in clink at Todsmoor, three more are being tracked to their doom in Bayswater, two are dead " Here Dick produced from inner pockets a small white packet and an envelope.

Why should I?" "Well, being a loose woman and all that. And then barging in without any warning." "What else were you going to do?" "I'm not awful?" She smiled and turned closer. "Of course not." "You're not mad at me?" Oliver shook his head. "Well could I have a little hug?" She moved down and opened her arms. The bathrobe fell open. Oliver put down his mug.

"It was built the summer before last and it took all summer," explained Welborn. "The crazy galoot called himself the Count of Como. He came barging in here and bought out Clark and Stanley, the homesteaders, and brought in two men who had been building fancy cabins in Rocky Mountain Park and tourist camps.

"What the dickens," said Mike, "does he mean by barging in as if he'd bought the place?" "Comrade Downing looks pleased with himself. What brings him round in this direction, I wonder! Still, no matter. The few articles which he may sneak from our study are of inconsiderable value. He is welcome to them. Do you feel inclined to wait awhile till I have fetched a chair and book?" "I'll be going on.

"How was I to know you would come barging in like this? I never wanted you to meet him." More self-control needed. "I shall be perfectly pleasant and chatty to him," said Luke resolutely. "This letter's just come for you," said Mabel. "The address is in Lady Tyburn's handwriting." He blushed profusely. His ears waved to and fro. Why on earth had not Jona warned him that this was going to happen?

You have already pleased her, your admirable manners must succeed in captivating her, and a fond father's wishes will be crowned on the day in which you enter our family. "'Recklect, gents, says I to the 2 lords, 'a barging's a barging I'll pay hoff Southdown's Jews, when I'm his brother. I'll make your incumbrinces as right as a trivit, and restor the ouse of Bareacres to its herly splender.

Within a hundred feet they saw a glimmer of daylight and broke into a run. The glimmer became an opening, irregular in shape, but obviously big enough for an entrance. "We made it!" Rick exulted. "Let's get a good look at that sunshine!" "Careful," Scotty cautioned. "We'll have to let our eyes adjust fully or the glare will hurt. Besides, it may not be a good idea to go barging out into the open.

And the American scientists were right out there in front, along with guys from England and France and Italy and Germany and even Russia. All the big brains of the world were workin' on it! Those Martians were gonna wish they'd come visitin' polite instead of barging in like they owned the world! They'd be lucky if they wound up ownin' Mars!

As they had no riding-breeches, their trousers soon rucked up, exhibiting ample expanses of bare legs; they had no notion of riding, but managed to stick on somehow by clinging to pommel and mane, banging here into a sedate Judge of the High Court, with an apologetic "Sorry, sir, but this swine of a pony won't steer;" barging there into a pompous Anglo-Indian official, as they yelled to their ponies, "Easy now, dogs-body, or you'll unship us both;" galloping as hard as their ponies could lay legs to the ground, cannoning into half the white inhabitants of Calcutta, but always with imperturbable good-humour.