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It is an early Christian chapel, one of the earliest in France; originally, it would seem, that is, in the sixth or seventh century, a bap- tistery, but converted into a church while the Christian era was still comparatively young.

Bagh! Khodamund! Arree Bap re Bap! Ram Ram, Seeta Ram! Breathless with running, the men now tumbled up, hurriedly salaamed, arid then each with gasps and choking stops, and pell-mell volubility, and amid a running fire of cries, queries, and interjections from the mob, began to unfold their tale.

"A friend of the bully jumped in and tried to trip Abe. Harry Needles stood beside me. Before I could move he dashed forward and hit that feller in the middle of his forehead and knocked him flat. Harry had hit Bap McNoll the cock fighter. I got up next to the kettle then and took the scum off it.

Besides, Abdul liked to hear the little fellow call him 'Bap, which meant 'Father, and to feel his old brown finger clasped by small pink and white ones, as he and Sonny Sahib toddled into the bazar together. He liked to hear Sonny Sahib's laugh, too; it was quite a different laugh from any other boy's in Rubbulgurh, and it came oftener.

He thought of the threat of Bap McNoll. It occurred to him that he would be in a bad way alone with those ruffians if they were coming for revenge. He stepped into the door of the house and stood a moment debating what he would best do. He thought of running toward the grove, which was a few rods from the rear door of the house, and hiding there. He couldn't bear to run.

"I'll send the tonga on ahead," he declared, "and we'll just have that jolly old farewell ride together, girl I'd love it." Now she turned back to him and her face was placid, soft, content, as though Mona Lisa had stepped out from the painted canvas, and, now embodied, was there listening to the sigh of the night-wind through the feathered sal forest. With ejaculations of "Bap, bap, bap!

There was plenty for two on the table, he said to himself: a loaf and a bap and some soda-farls and a potato cake and the half of a barn-brack and butter and raspberry jam. He looked across the room to where the girl was again looking out of the window. He liked the way she stood, with one hand resting on her hip and the other on her cheek.

Next morning Abe and Samson set out for the woods soon after daylight. "I like that boy Harry," said Abe. "I reckon he's got good stuff in him. The way he landed on Bap McNoll was a caution. I like to see a feller come right up to the scratch, without an invitation just in the nick o' time, as he did." "Did you see him jump in?" Samson asked. "I saw everything some way.

When I returned, the cups were all tossed and the visitors had gone, but Willie Withero had dropped in and was invited to "stap" for tea. He was our most welcome visitor and there was but one house where he felt at home. "Tay" that evening consisted of "stir-about," Sonny Johnson's unearned bap and buttermilk.

They enter, and the crowd pushes in after. There are the two coffins, looking very heavy and solid, lying in state but unguarded. The crowd draws a breath of astonishment. "Are they going to wrench the tops off with hatchet and chisel?" Bap, rap, rap; wrench, rap, wrench. Ah! the cases come open. "Well kept?" asks the leader flippantly. "Oh, yes," is the reply. And then all laugh.