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"He asked me when the banns was to be put up, an' I didn't like to tell him I was a married man with a family." "Why not?" asked the mate. "He's a prize-fighter," said the other, in awe-inspiring tones; "'the Battersea Bruiser. Consequently when he clapped me on the back, and asked me when the banns was to be, I only smiled." "What did he do?" inquired the mate, who was becoming interested.

Or, if they are so very fond of her as Nicholas says they are, why don't they marry her themselves one of them I mean? And even supposing they don't want her to be married, and don't want to marry her themselves, why in the name of wonder should Nicholas go about the world, forbidding people's banns? 'I don't think you quite understand, said Kate, gently.

For one instant he was possessed by a wild wish to stand up and forbid the banns; but what end would be gained by making himself a greater laughing-stock to the village than he was at present, for already he felt the derisive finger of scorn pointed at him as the man whom Rose had jilted. Even now he saw one or two of the lads nudge each other and look at him with curious eyes.

But there, a head like yours 'd never guess why she went to a Registry Office, an' there weren't no banns at all. That overcame me. I seed the wisdom o' Providence from that hour. I be a converted man. An' I'm damned if I'll let you come along an' upset the apple-cart after all these years. Can 'ee write?" "Tolerable, though I'm no hand at spellin'." "Very well. We'll have a drink together at St.

Esmond laughed at all widows, all wives, all women; and were the banns about to be published, as no doubt they were, that very next Sunday at Walcote Church, Esmond swore that he would be present to shout No! in the face of the congregation, and to take a private revenge upon the ears of the bridegroom. Instead of going to dinner then at the "Rose" that night, Mr.

How would it be to consent to their having banns published? that would mean another three weeks anyway, and in absence from each other they might be influenced to put it off. I'm afraid this is the only chance, for if you simply forbid it, I feel they will run off and get married somewhere at a registrar's." Pierson took this letter out with him into the Square Garden, for painful cogitation.

"Oh, I couldn't!" Rose said. "There's Tom." "That would settle Tom fast enough." Rose never knew quite how it happened; but half an hour later Dixon left without any order for the carriage on the morrow, but with Rose's promise that she would marry him as soon as he liked, and with her consent that the banns should be published on the following Sunday.

"Oh, come ye in peace here, or come ye in war, or to dance at our bridal?" said Madame Goesler, standing up from her chair and laughing, as she sang the lines. "Certainly not to dance at your bridal," said Lady Glencora. "Alas! no. You have forbidden the banns too effectually for that, and I sit here wearing the willow all alone.

"But tell me first, thinkest thou, lad, that thy true love hath spirit enough to marry thee were ye together in church, the banns published, and the priest found, even were her father to say her nay?" "Ay, marry would she," cried Allan eagerly.

Though to be sure she would have committed it next week, even the licence being got, they say, for she'd have no banns this time, the first being so unfortunate. 'Perhaps the sergeant-major will think he's released, and go as he came. 'O, not as I reckon. Soldiers bain't particular, and she's a tidy piece o' furniture still.