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Just before they reached the "Go Bang" landing-place the boy opened his eyes, and Mark, no longer able to restrain his curiosity, asked, "How did the alligator happen to catch you?" "I was asleep," answered the boy, "and woke up just in time to catch hold of that tree as he grabbed my foot and began pulling me to the water.

The new-comer's eye had a strangely restless quality. Of the other dozen inmates of the room, eleven were firmly convinced that the weapon and eye not directly levelled at their leader were personally concerned with themselves. The twelfth thought he saw his chance. To the bewildered onlookers there seemed to be a flash and a bang, instantaneous; then things were as before.

Standing for a moment in the middle of the kitchen, holding the book in his hand, he looked from the pale silent mother by the ironing board to the son now standing and staring at him, and, throwing the book upon the table with a bang, fled the house. "You don't understand," he had cried, "you don't understand the heart of a soldier." In a way the man was right.

I've just arrived, with blood in my eye, to clean out the Blue Star office, and I'm starting in with the general manager. Clinch me now, and we'll wrestle all over the office and bang against the furniture and that door there " As Cappy Ricks was wont to remark, Mr. Skinner could "get" one before one could "get" one's self.

It was a mural tablet, with the names of the officers on an escutcheon; and two privates of the Guards, in marble bas-relief, were mourning over them. Over the tablet hung two silken banners, new and glossy, with the battles in which the regiment has been engaged inscribed on them, not merely Crimean but Peninsular battles. These banners will bang there till they drop away in tatters.

Everybody listened. The village was still as death. Suddenly down the street came the rattle of a volley of rifle shots. Over this sound rose the choked, metallic notes of a bugle-call. The rifle shots continued. The ominous popping of machine guns resounded. The village, recovering from its silence, filled with murmurs. Bang! Bang! Bang I Bang! went some more shells.

Presently there was heard among the bushes a whirring of wings, and up flew a covey of large birds of the turkey species. Flinn stepped briskly aside, saying, "Now thin, let drive!" while the attenuated black fell cautiously in rear. Bang! bang! went Slagg's gun. "Oh!" he cried, conscience-stricken; "there, if I haven't done it again!"

The steam from the locomotive made a spreading, deep-violet stain as it curled up against the grey sky. Claude went into a restaurant across the street and ordered an oyster stew. The proprietress, a plump little German woman with a frizzed bang, always remembered him from trip to trip.

As the three officers departed down the backdoor steps, a hesitating voice followed them "H'm! Is there any place where one can go a cellar, or any old spot of that kind just in case we are " "Bless you, you'll be all right!" was the cheery reply. They haven't been occupied for some months, so you may find them a bit ratty. You won't require them, though. Good-night!" Whizz! Boom! Bang! Crash!

Then the mass divided into two wings and slowly encircled the fence of fire; starting noisily and confidently, and then going more slowly, quietly, warily, as the silence of the flame began to tell on their heated nerves. Strained whispers arose. "Careful there!" "Go on, damn ye!" "There's some one by yon fire." "No, there ain't." "See the bushes move." Bang! bang! bang! "Who's that?" "It's me."