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He suggested I should help him as far as his bungalow. There seemed nothing strange to either of us that he should requisition my services or that I should cheerfully obey. I helped him bandage his ankle, and we set out, I his crutch, the two of us making up a sort of limping quadruped, along the winding lane toward the cliffs and the sea. Section 6

Yet to-night she felt infinitely tender over Fritz, as if she stood by him again and saw the bandage darkened by the red stain. Then she thought of the song she had sung to Lady Cardington, the song which had surely opened the eyes of her own drowsy, if not actually sleeping, heart: "Tutto al mondo e vano: Nell'amore ogni dolcezza." It was horribly true to her to-night.

"I don't think there is any great harm done; the principal arteries are on the other side of the arm." "We must stop the bleeding, anyhow," the sergeant said. "I will soon find a bandage. There are sure to be plenty about, for the surgeons were at work when they broke in." He was not long in finding one, and then assisting Edgar off with his coat he bandaged up his arm.

We may come across a Tartar with a raging tooth, and make him our friend for ever by extracting it, and I will put a bandage or two and some plaster in my pocket. They are things one ought always to carry, for one is always liable to get a hurt or a sprain. As to money, I have a hundred and twenty roubles; they are all in silver.

"Are you going to leave him here?" asked Jack, who had dismounted, and was walking toward the old man. "Sure. What else can I do?" "Let me look at his foot," went on Jack, "I know a little bit about first aid to the injured. Maybe I can bandage it up," "Better let him alone," advised Jim, mounting his horse again.

When the bandage was removed, Captain Dowden examined the limb, but no injury was visible on the upper surface. I grasped the foot it was blue and cold. I raised it, so that the surgeon could look at the under-surface of the leg. As I did so, the calf gave way in the middle. He told me angrily to pull harder. I pulled until the leg was taut again.

As it is, you'll probably be laid up only a few days." "I told you I wasn't so badly hurt " "God's good to the Irish. Where's your bathroom?" With a gesture Kenny indicated its location. "And handkerchiefs ?" "Upper bureau drawer in the bedroom." In a twinkling P. Sybarite was off and back again with materials for an antiseptic wash and a rude bandage.

For the first few days after the return of the fleet to Wei-hai-wei everybody was very fully employed, including even the admiral himself, who, despite his deep and painful wound, insisted on being about the dockyard, his head tied up in a bandage, superintending the refitting of the shattered ships. Nothing was mentioned with regard to Prince Hsi.

Josef, at one corner of the room, was guarded by the pair of soldiers who had been placed to watch Carter and Carrick the day of their arrival. A strapping young fellow, pale and mud-splashed, a bandage about his head, his left arm in a sling, leaned heavily against the wainscoting.

Sometimes Dylks involuntarily put his hand to the black silken cap which replaced the bandage Nancy Billings had tied over the place where the hair had been torn out. When he did this, the girl moved a little; her face hardened, and she stole a glance at Redfield. The schoolmaster went on and on, preaching Dylks insistently, but not with the former defiance.