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Every species of bird, mammal or fish that is threatened with extermination should be given a close season of from five to ten years. It is now time to protect the white goose and brant. Squirrels, band-tailed pigeons and doves should be perpetually protected.

I saw here what I did not again come across in California a small flock of the band-tailed pigeon, a bird as large as the mountain quail, very handsome, indeed, and one that now should be protected by law. These, as well as the mountain quail, swallow whole the acorns, which this season lay beneath the live oak trees in lavish abundance; long thin acorns, quite different from ours.

Then, too, its range was limited to the valley bottoms, where human settlement is increasingly close. I know of only two live pairs within the state last year! "Finally, let me remark that the rate of increase of the California condor is not one whit less than that of the band-tailed pigeon!

Certainly; with all the pleasure in life: The band-tailed pigeon, the white-tailed kite, the sharp-tailed grouse, the sage grouse, the mountain sheep, prong-horned antelope, California mule deer, and ducks and geese too numerous to mention. Early in 1912 I addressed to about 250 persons throughout the United States, three questions, as follows: 1.

For years and years we have been patiently writing letters to explain over and over that the band-tailed pigeon of the Pacific coast, and the red-billed pigeon of Arizona and the southwest are neither of them the passenger pigeon, and never can be.

Among species likely to be exterminated in the near future are the wood-duck and band-tailed pigeon. COLORADO: Sage grouse and sharp-tailed grouse; nearly all the shore birds. CONNECTICUT: All the shore birds; quail, purple martin. DELAWARE: Wood duck, upland plover, least tern, Wilson tern, roseate tern, black skimmer, oystercatcher, and numerous other littoral species.

In 1913, California will try to secure a similar act; and we know full well that her ducks, geese, quail, grouse and band-tailed pigeon need it very much. If the California protectors of wild life succeed in arousing the great quiet mass of people in that state, their Bayne bill will be swept through their legislature on a tidal wave of popular sentiment. Elk.

The road is open; the pack-train is ready; the guides are waiting. Go on and slay the Remnant! ARIZONA: The band-tailed pigeons and all non-game birds should immediately be given protection; and a salaried warden system should be established under a Commissioner whose term is not less than four years. The use of automatic and pump guns, in hunting, should be prohibited.

It is the way of Americans to feel that because game is abundant in a given place at a given time, it always will be abundant, and may therefore be slaughtered without limit. That was the case last winter in California during the awful slaughter of band-tailed pigeons, as will be noted elsewhere.