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Johnston caused Bligh's commission and all his papers to be sealed up, informed the governor that he would be kept a prisoner in his own house, and leaving a strong guard of soldiers, marched the rest of his inebriated command back to barracks, with the same parade of band-playing and pretence of dignity.

My brother, who is a wireless operator, told me so. They broadcast all sorts of entertainments songs, band-playing, sermons, and stories so that those who have amateur apparatus can listen in." "Broadcast? Listen in?" repeated Jerry vaguely.

Amid all the drilling and band-playing the troops had been doing hard work: a chain of strong fortifications scientifically constructed had been completed around the capital, and rendered it easy of defense. It could be left in safety. Why, then, was it not left? Why did the troops still linger? For a moment this monotony was interrupted by the ill-conducted engagement at Ball's Bluff.

The tortures of the poor little creatures, hanging thus by their middles, under a burning sun, and shaken up by every jolt the machine gave as it turned, may be imagined. By the time the abominable thing came past my window, amidst singing and band-playing and cheering, most of the poor children were swinging unconscious from the rays of the great sun which jolted heavily at every turn it made.

The stupidest person in the world could not have helped thinking that it kept time to invisible band-playing, and was trying to catch hold of the buttercups. I lay down at full length and looked off through the stems, and then I saw for the first time how close they were, and that they constantly swayed and touched, and sometimes locked fast together for a second.

Farfrae was Mayor the two-hundredth odd of a series forming an elective dynasty dating back to the days of Charles I and the fair Lucetta was the courted of the town....But, Ah! the worm i' the bud Henchard; what he could tell! The bell-ringing and the band-playing, loud as Tamerlane's trumpet, goaded the downfallen Henchard indescribably: the ousting now seemed to him to be complete.

'Why this cursed new lath in a sheet I mean the new parson! He wants us to stop the band-playing on Sunday afternoons. Laura looked up aghast. 'Why, it is the one thing that enables the few rational beings hereabouts to keep alive from Saturday to Monday!