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A girl gets better-paid work in London than in the provinces. That's the only reason!" "Would you rather live in the country, then?" "Yes!" Eleanor said. "I wonder would you like Ballyards!" Mrs. MacDermott said almost as if she were speaking to herself. Then she began to talk of something else.

He might stand at this corner for days, for weeks, on end, viewing the passersby until his eyes were sore with the sight of them, and never see one person whom he knew even slightly. In Ballyards, he could not walk a dozen yards without encountering an acquaintance. In Belfast, he was certain to see someone whom he knew in the course of a day.

"I wish we could go back to Ballyards," Eleanor said. "Go back to Ballyards!" he exclaimed, staring at her in astonishment. "Yes, we'd be much better off there!" "Go back and admit I've failed in London! Crawl home with my tail between my legs!..." "Don't be melodramatic," said Eleanor. "I have my pride," he retorted. "You can call that being melodramatic, if you like, but I call it decent pride.

So was New York!.... The drunken man, when he had recovered his sobriety, admitted that this was true, but he contended, and was well supported in his contention, that while London and New York might be bigger than Ballyards, neither of these cities were inhabited by men of such independent spirit as the men of Ballyards. A Ballyards man, he asserted, was beholden to no one.

Once, at Ballyards, he had stood still for a few moments to look at the railway track glistening in the sunshine, and he remembered how puzzled he had been when, in some magazine, he had read a complaint of trains, that they marred the beauty of the fields.

It contained a report of the police proceedings against Uncle Matthew, and it was headed, STRANGE BEHAVIOUR OF A BALLYARDS MAN!... John hurriedly put the book down and went out of the room. He had not shed a tear over Uncle Matthew. He did not wish to cry over him.

Tarleton had told him not to dispraise anything ... "it'll be cut out if you do" ... but at all events he would take care that his praise was justly given. He would send copies of the papers, marked with blue pencil, to his mother and Mr. McCaughan and Mr. Cairnduff. He could imagine the talk there would be in Ballyards about his criticism of the concert.

John exclaimed, "and you haven't said how much you'll pay me for it!" "Never been in a music-hall!... Where was you brought up, Mac!" "In Ballyards," John replied seriously. "Where's that?" "Have you never heard of Ballyards, Mr. Cream?" "No," the comedian replied. "Well, where were you brought up then?" Cream regarded him closely for a few moments.

Nor did Ballyards abate any of its pride before the ancient and indisputable renown of Dunbar, which distils a whiskey that has soothed the gullets of millions of men throughout the world. When Patrickstown bragged of its long history ... it was once the home of the kings of Ulster ... and tried to make the world believe that St.

Mixed up with his desire for adventure was a vision of a beautiful girl to whom he should offer his love and service. He could not picture her clearly to himself ... none of the girls in Ballyards bore the slightest resemblance to her.