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"There is still the Governing Council we will appeal " But the master pilot was not listening to Haldgren's words; his slim, sensitive hand was reaching for the ball-control to build up still more the tremendous blast of a forward exhaust that was checking their speed and making them as heavy as if their bodies were of meteoric iron.

He moved forward on the ball-control, and the great ship swept like a silvery shadow through the night toward the distant, lighted crater rim. This he could see clearly, but the other side of the ring of mountains was black with shadow. And, far out beyond, spread like a cloud over all the desolate world, was blackness.

Chet had thrown the building's doors open wide; a whirling motor had drawn them back on hidden tracks. Now he closed the entrance port with care, then glanced at his instruments before he placed his hand on a metal ball. It hung suspended in air within a cage of curved bars. It was a modification of the high-liner ball-control, and it was new.

And I don't see any lake, and the whole Moon is wrong side up, according to your map." Chet reached for the ball-control, moved it, and swung their ship in a slow, rotary motion. The result was an apparent revolution of the Moon. "There, it's right side up," Chet laughed; "that is, if you can tell me what direction is 'up' out here in space.

It was wrapping them about in the darkness of night as Chet's slender hand touched so delicately upon the ball-control checked them, eased off, drew back again until the thundering exhausts echoed softly where their ship hung suspended a hundred feet above a rocky floor.