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When the ticket collector came round before the train started, Hamar waited, till every one else in the compartment had shown him their tickets, and then, just as the man was about to demand his, swallowed one of the prescribed pills, repeating immediately, in a loud voice, which caused considerable excitement among the other passengers, the words, "Bakra naka taksomana!"

John Waley, employed by the Brazilian Government for repairing cables, will procure these ingredients for you. To become visible, you've only to repeat the words, 'Bakra naka taksomana, backwards." "But how about my clothes?" Hamar asked. "Will they disappear too?" "Everything!" Kelson answered. "Hat, boots, tie and breeches. All you have on! Good-night!"

Whilst the lawyer was pocketing his cheque, Hamar gleefully swallowed a pill, and crying out "Bakra naka takso mana," vanished! "Heaven preserve us! What's become of you?" Cotton exclaimed, putting his hand to his forehead and leaning against the wall for support. "Am I ill or dreaming?" "Anything wrong, sir?" a policeman inquired, opening the cell door and looking in.

The 1st of August was the anniversary of a great Mohammedan festival called the "Bakra Id," and for some time there had been rumours of a grand sortie in honour of the event. Morning and afternoon passed, and we began to think the enemy had given up their purpose, when about sunset firing began at the right pickets.

But before experimenting it will always be necessary to repeat the words 'Bakra naka taksomana, and to swallow a pill, composed of two drachms of Derhens Voskry, one drachm of Karka Voli and one drachm of saffron. Derhens Voskry and Karka Voli are a crimson and white species of seaweed, that grows on the hundred-fathom level, thirty miles west-southwest of the Aran Islands, Galway Bay. Mr.

But we are wandering away from our black bulbuls. The hillmen call the Himalayan species the Ban Bakra, which means the jungle goat. Why it should be so named I have not an idea, unless it be because the bird habitually "plays the goat!" Black bulbuls seem never to descend to the ground; they keep almost entirely to the tops of lofty trees and so occur only in well-wooded parts of the hills.