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It was said that an East Indian prince had just died at the Hotel des Bains and that the ministry had been approached for permission to burn the body. No one believed it, or at least no one supposed that such a thing could occur so foreign was the custom as yet to our customs, and as the night was far advanced every one went home.

As we could not get the former for two or three hours, we did not hurry the passing of the latter, and went on shore quite unincumbered, for a stroll about the city, disregarding the cries of the hackney-coachmen on the pier, "Hotel d'Angleterre," "Hotel des Bains!" and another who called out in English, "I recommend you to the Royal Hotel, sir!" There is little to be seen in Ostend.

The number of hôtels in Paris is immense; as I always frequent the same which I have known for nearly 20 years, of course I can recommend it, both as regards the extreme respectability of the persons by whom it is kept and the moderation of the charges; it is situated at No. 71, Rue Richelieu, and is called the Hôtel de Valois, Baths abound in Paris, but the Bains Chinois, Boulevart des Italiens, are of the oldest date, and have been visited by the most illustrious persons.

Madame de Cadour turned to her old friend and said: "Will you come with me, Monsieur d'Apreval?" He bowed with a smile, and with all the gallantry of former years: "I will go wherever you go," he replied. "Very well, then, go and get a sunstroke," Monsieur de Cadour said; and he went back to the Hotel des Bains to lie down for an hour or two.

«M. d'Arcet, dans son discours sur les Pyrénées, a présagé la même révolution pour le lac d'Escoubons le plus considérable de ceux qui dominent les bains de Barèges, et on ne peut douter que si quelqu'éboulement considérable vient hâter et accroître l'effet de cette débâcle inévitable, ces régions élevées subiront un nouveau déluge dont les hommes et les troupeaux seront la victime, qui ensevelira plusieurs villages, et inondera les tanières des bêtes fauves

It was said that an East Indian prince had just died at the Hotel des Bains and that the ministry had been approached for permission to burn the body. No one believed it, or at least no one supposed that such a thing could occur so foreign was the custom as yet to our customs, and as the night was far advanced every one went home.

It consists, on the ground floor, as it were, of a white Etablissement des Bains surrounded by a little park, which is fringed on the further side by an open-air concert platform and a theatre, of a few rows of shops, and a couple of cafes. You could play catch with a cricket ball across it.

Madame de Cadour turned to her old friend and said: "Will you come with me, Monsieur d'Apreval?" He bowed with a smile, and with all the gallantry of former years: "I will go wherever you go," he replied. "Very well, then, go and get a sunstroke," Monsieur de Cadour said; and he went back to the Hotel des Bains to lie down for an hour or two.

The girls rule the company, carry maps and find roads, see about provisions and carry wounded. We could not get rooms at Dunkirk and so came on to St. Malo les Bains, a small bathing-place which had been shut up for the winter. The owner of an hotel there opened up some rooms for us and got us some ham and eggs, and the evening ended very cheerily.

The old name of the town itself is forgotten, but the name of the tribe still lives. The case is not quite so clear as that of Paris; some unlucky etymologists have seen in the name Jublains traces of Jules and of bains; but a moment's thought will show that the name is a natural corruption of Diablintes.