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'As soon as they gave US baggonets, too, there was no want of standing up to the work. It seems to me, corporal, you overlook the fact that Injins carry no baggonets." "Every army uses its own weapons. If an Injin prefers his knife and his tomahawk to a baggonet, it is no affair of mine.

His cry ``on to Richmond'' during the first part of the struggle, his fearful alarm when, like the heroes in the ``Biglow Papers, he really discovered ``why baggonets is peaked, his terror as the conflict deepened, his proposals for special peace negotiations later all these things were among the serious obstacles which President Lincoln had to encounter; and now, fearing burdens which, in his opinion, could not and would not be borne by the State, and conjuring up specters of trouble, he came to Albany and earnestly advised members of the legislature against the passage of the bounty bill.

Trees and covers is necessary to their constitutions, just as sartain as a deer chased will take to water to throw off the scent. Put 'em up with the baggonet, and they'll not stand a minute." "How should they, corporal," interrupted le Bourdon laughing, "when they've no baggonets of their own to make a stand with? You put one in mind of what my father used to say.

"Upon my word, I am afraid it is and I'm trapped too." "Blood and turf! thin, it's he that I'll trap, thin. There's two million free and inlightened Irishmen in London, to avenge my marthyrdom wi' pikes and baggonets like raving salviges, and blood for blood!" "Like savages, indeed!" said I to Crossthwaite, "And pretty savage company we are keeping.