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They were shut off from the rest of the world until one hundred years ago, and all they knew they had found out for themselves. But among the Africans some learnt more than others, and the Baganda are a tribe who used their minds as well as their bodies in becoming strong.

A single instance of clan action has been found among the East African Baganda the women of the Grasshopper clan undertake to increase the supply of their totem; why this duty is assigned to the women is not clear the custom appears to involve a relaxation of totemistic rules. The economic festivals and "dances" of the Siouan Mandans and Hidatsa are general tribal ceremonies.

Girls at puberty forbidden to touch the ground and see the sun, 22; seclusion of girls at puberty among the Zulus and kindred tribes, 22; among the A-Kamba of British East Africa, 23; among the Baganda of Central Africa, 23 sq.; among the tribes of the Tanganyika plateau, 24 sq.; among the tribes of British Central Africa, 25 sq.; abstinence from salt associated with a rule of chastity in many tribes, 26-28; seclusion of girls at puberty among the tribes about Lake Nyassa and on the Zambesi, 28 sq.; among the Thonga of Delagoa Bay, 29 sq.; among the Caffre tribes of South Africa, 30 sq.; among the Bavili of the Lower Congo, 31 sq.

Apparently some of the Lower Congo people interpret the act similarly. See J. Roscoe, op. cit. p. 74. As to the prohibition to touch food with the hands, see Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, pp. 138 sqq., 146 sqq., etc. Rev. J. Roscoe, The Baganda, p. 80. In Travancore it is believed that women at puberty and after childbirth are peculiarly liable to be attacked by demons. Rev.

These most interesting people are worth more than a casual word, so I shall reserve my observations on them until a later chapter. One of our porters, a big Baganda named Sabakaki, was suffering severely from pains in the chest that subsequently developed into pleurisy.

In this chapter we shall read about some of the people who live on the eastern side on the shores of the largest of all the lakes the one called Victoria Nyanza. These people are called the Baganda, and their country is Uganda. The Baganda The Baganda are dark-skinned Africans.

But the witch-doctors grew frightened and persuaded the king to drive away all the Europeans, and to kill the Baganda who would not worship the Lake Spirit because they were Christians. Mutesa the king did this, killing the Christian Baganda boys very cruelly by burning them to death, and killing the European, Bishop Hannington, when he came.

The Baganda are among the cleverest Central Africans, and these Pigmies and the cannibal tribes are among the most ignorant. But the Congo lands are very large, and there are many different peoples; they often move their villages, and because they hate one another they fight whenever they get the chance. So these people are still very ignorant and miserable.

"Wakamba!" he summoned; then "Monumwezi"; and finally "Baganda!" Thus the four tribes represented in his caravan were supplied. The men returned to their fires, and began the preparation of their evening meal. Kingozi turned to his own tent with a sigh of relief. Within it a cot had been erected, blankets spread. An officer's tin box stood open at one end. On the floor was a portable canvas bath.

Thus no woman may enter the house of a Maori chief, while among the Zulus, even if a man and wife are going to the same place they never walk together. Among the Baganda wives are kept apart from the men's quarters. The Ojibway Indian Peter Jones says of his people: "When travelling the men always walk on before.