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"Gentlemen and brothers of the syndicate," he began, "I'm satisfied that the back-bitin', the scrappin', the petty jealousies and general cussedness that characterized our lives on the old Maggie will not be duplicated on the Maggie II. Them vicious days is gone forever, I hope, an' from now on the motto of us three should be: "All for one and one for all United we stand, divided we fall."

But it do make people talk. There's a deal of strange things said in the place." "Don't listen to them." "Eh dear, I'll not 'ear a word. When anybody says anything to me I tell 'em straight they'd oughter be ashamed of themselves, back-bitin' and slanderin'." "That's right, Nanny, you give it them in the neck." "If it'd only end in talk, but there's been harm done to the innocent.

"Take it, you pious, passimonious, cheese-parin', hair-splittin', back-bitin', flag-raisin' crew!" he roared. "Rebecca never took the flag; I found it in the road, I say!" "You never, no such a thing!" exclaimed Mrs. Meserve. "You found it on the doorsteps in my garden!" "Mebbe twas your garden, but it was so chock full o' weeks I THOUGHT twas the road," retorted Abner.

"We imagined you were like that," she said. "I told Mary an' 'Liza so the day you come for the eggs. 'She ain't like her aunt, I says to Mary, 'not a mite; an' you can be pretty sure she won't be in sympathy with all this squabblin' an' back-bitin'." "Indeed I'm not." "We ain't either, not one of us. We'd like nothin' better'n to be neighborly an' run in.