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The joints of the lower extremity are most commonly affected, and the disease is bilateral in a considerable proportion of cases both knees or both hips, for instance, being implicated. Among the theories suggested in explanation of these arthropathies the most recent is that by Babinski and Barré, which traces the condition to vascular lesions of a syphilitic type in the articular arteries.

I shall not give any other points in the history except that this paralysis was of four months' duration, there was some resistance to movements at the elbow and knee, but Babinski and other indications of a central organic lesion were absent. The results of the rest of the physical examination need not be mentioned except that the patient presented evidences of arteriosclerosis.

It is impossible to bend this leg at any joint except by the use of very great force. The reflexes everywhere are lively but are equal on the two sides, and none of the abnormal reflexes is present, including in this term Babinski, Gordon and Oppenheim. Sensation There is very markedly diminished reaction to pin prick all over the right side, including face, arm, chest, leg and tongue.

These symptoms are readily differentiated from what is seen in epilepsy. The French writers of the school of Babinski deny that the above symptom and even the majority of the following have a real existence in hysteria. The English, American and German neurologists and the rest of the French school describe hysteria substantially as I am here describing it.

Babinski, chief of the clinic, supporting a person afflicted with hysteria. Near the latter stands a nurse and assistant who watches every movement of the patient. This is Mother Bottard, a good, intelligent, and devoted woman, who is well known to all those present.