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h being the difference of level between the two ends of the portion of conduit of length, L, and the sign + or being used according as the conduit rises or falls. The values assigned to the coefficient b1 in France, are those determined by D'Arcy.

Now, that diagram accurately represents the political embarrassment in strategy of the German-Austro-Hungarian alliance. B1 is Austria and Bohemia; B2 is Hungary; A is the German Empire; M is the Russians; N is the Allies in the West.

And when we speak of an unchangeable identity of the thing with itself, as a result of which it remains the same essence amid the change of its phenomena, we mean only the consistency with which it keeps within the closed series of forms a1, a2, a3, without ever going over into the series b1, b2.

Now, when the etheric waves proceeding from the transmitting station traverse the glass of the tube and act upon the metal dust, the current of the battery B1 works the Morse receiver, and marks the signals in ink on a strip of travelling paper.

Still more should we be in error if we supposed the upper bed at A to be younger than the continuation of the lower bed at Bl; for A was deposited long before B1.

To make this point clear: the direction of the nozzle having been decided, the buckets on the trued side must in turn present their concave sides to the nozzle. Therefore B1 has its convex, B2 its concave, side facing the reader, as it were. The Nozzle is a 1-1/2 inch piece of brass bar. Drill a 1/20-inch hole through the centre.