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Still more should we be in error if we supposed the upper bed at A to be younger than the continuation of the lower bed at Bl; for A was deposited long before B1.

After sleeping, one woke unable to open one's eyes. The absence of any protection wore out the patience and nerves of the men, and the searching Bolshevik shells were accepted as a welcome diversion. No blame was attached to my chiefs; I was fully equipped as a B1 Garrison battalion, and as such I was dispatched to Vladivostok.

In the meantime the cold became so intense that the British contingent, being only B1 men, had to drop out. General Gaida, with his divisional generals, Galitzin, Pepelaieff, and Verzbitzky, pressed forward their preparations, and after a splendid series of movements captured Perm with 31,000 prisoners and an enormous booty of war material.

It would be better from this point of view to endeavor, as has been suggested, to render this formula more exact by the substitution of a fractional power in the place of the square, rather than to go through the long calculations necessitated by the use of the binomial au + bu squared. Accordingly, making use of the formula b1 u squared, the above equation becomes,

I naturally pointed out that my battalion was composed of B1 men, most of whom had already done their "bit" on other fronts, and that a few weeks before I had had about 250 General Service men in my ranks, but on a blundering suggestion of the G.O.C. at Singapore they had been taken from my unit and transferred to others doing garrison duty in India.

To strengthen this spar further against torsional forces, run gut ties from B and Bl down to the bottom of the rear vertical skid post; and from B to B1 also pass a piece of very thin piano wire, soldered to the tin strips over a little wooden bridge, Q, like a violin bridge, on the top of the central rod, to keep it quite taut. Propellers. To turn now to the propellers.

The five Batteries of this Group, known as "B2," were all in positions on or near the Vippacco, firing on the northern edge of the Carso, and eastward along the river valley. The southern Group, "B1," were on the Carso itself and operating chiefly against the famous Hermada, a position of tremendous natural strength, directly covering Trieste.

The door may be weather-boarded to match the rest of the end, or covered by a few strakes of match-boarding put on vertically. The two base pieces, b1 and b2, and the ridge should be marked off for the rafters at the same time. All three are 10-foot lengths of 4 by 1 wood, unless you prefer the ridge to project a bit, in which case you must allow accordingly.

Still more should we be in error if we supposed the upper bed at A to be younger than the continuation of the lower bed at B1; for A was deposited long before B1.

Suppose, now, the vessel to be listed over to various angles of heel say 20 deg., 40 deg., 60 deg., and 80 deg. the water lines will then be A C, D E, F K, and H J respectively, and the centers of buoyancy, which must be found by calculation, will be B1, B2, B3, and B4.