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For her safety's sake, she was relieved to find that the room overlooked the Euston Road. After turning back the chintz curtains, she looked about her. She had never been in such a truly awful-looking room before. She had never imagined that any four walls could enclose such hopeless, dejected desolation as she saw. A round table stood in the middle of the carpetless room.

When the car came in at night, it brought only one person "an awful-looking ruffian he was," said Mr. Colomb, "whom, by his square-toed shoes, we knew to be just arrived from your side of the water." He was examined, and said he was a commercial traveller, and that he had only one letter about him, a business letter, addressed to "J. D. Sheehan." "Have you any objection to show us that letter?"

Vincent does not owe me any money, however badly she may stand with that awful-looking baker. I never saw her in my life; but I wish to see her to-day for the simple purpose of asking her a few very plain questions about a young lady who once resided in her house. If you know where Mrs. Vincent lives and will give me her address, you will be doing me a great favor."

She declared she was afraid of ghosts. "There's no such thing as ghosts," declared Jem Blythe. "Oh, ain't there?" "Did you ever see any?" "Hundreds of 'em," said Mary promptly. "What are they like?" said Carl. "Awful-looking. Dressed all in white with skellington hands and heads," said Mary. "What did you do?" asked Una. "Run like the devil," said Mary. Then she caught Walter's eyes and blushed.

I tried to go to bed, but they were making such a disturbance! At last I lay down in my arm-chair here. I've seen it all, everything. Such awful-looking men; a band of escaped convicts! Then they passed by again, dragging brave Commander Sicardot, worthy Monsieur Garconnet, the postmaster, and others away with them, and howling the while like cannibals!" Rougon felt a thrill of joy.

So, when I married, I told my husband about the patteran, and we were in the habit of making our private trails with leaves and branches of trees, which none of the other gypsy people did; so, when I saw my husband's patteran, I knew it at once, and I followed it upwards of two hundred miles towards the north; and then I came to a deep, awful-looking water, with an overhanging bank, and on the bank I found the patteran, which directed me to proceed along the bank towards the east, and I followed my husband's patteran towards the east; and before I had gone half a mile, I came to a place where I saw the bank had given way, and fallen into the deep water.

They never had any children, and Matey told me the last time she was back for a visit that she and her husband talked quite often about adopting a little boy. Seems that Mr. Pond has always wanted a little boy. He's such a nice man! 'Twould be a lovely home for a child." "But goodness!" said the teacher. "Nobody would want to adopt such an awful-looking little ragamuffin as that 'Lias.

He was a brutal sort o' a man at the best o' times, an' he carried on so much that I s'pose they thought even the sarpint couldn't be worse. Anyway, up they came, an' we all stood in a crowd watching the sarpint as it came closer and closer. "We reckoned it to be about a hundred yards long, an' it was about the most awful-looking creetur you could ever imagine.

"Well," he exclaimed at length, "I will be quiet, I am, I assure you, perfectly harmless; but, at the same time," he added, sitting down, "I know that the whole dialogue between you and that awful-looking man, was a plot laid for me. Why else did you insist on my being present at it?

But I ain't a bit afraid." "It's an awful-looking place, Tom," I said, "and enough to make any one shudder." "'Tis that, Mas'r Harry 'tis that indeed!" said Tom earnestly. "And if I believed in ghosts and goblins I should say as this was the shop where they was made. But but, Mas'r Harry, what's that?"