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The bicycle had come and also the trolley-car, and Calamity Jake prophesied that horses would soon be valuable only for feeding Frenchmen. But Jacob was wrong. Good horses steadily increased in value. And today, in spite of automobiles and aeroplanes, the prices of horses have aviated. Jim Hill's railroads last year hauled over three hundred thousand horses out of Montana to the Eastern States.

Aviator," he said "you who talk so much of the benefits of aviation, have you ever aviated?" "I have." "And made the conquest of the air?" "Not unlikely." "Hooray for Robur the Conqueror!" shouted an ironical voice. "Well, yes! Robur the Conqueror! I accept the name and I will bear it, for I have a right to it!" "We beg to doubt it!" said Jem Chip.

"As it is with many more here, this morning," the Secretary went on, "some members of my family have gone, been caught up " "Aviated!" laughed a ribald voice, and this time it came from another part of the building. Disregarding the interruption, the secretary went on: "My wife has gone " His voice shook with the deep emotion that stirred him, and for a moment he was too moved to speak.

The village of Danvers was separated by only a mile or so of swale and swamp from Salem, a place that once rivaled Boston commercially, and in matters of black cats, and elderly women who aviated on broomsticks by night, set the world a pace.

Don' know how I gits up dar, but 'spect I done fly," explained the cook, as well as his chattering teeth would permit. "He means he aviated upward," grinned Jerry. Will was patting his camera lovingly. "Oh! I do hope it turns out fine," he said; "for that would be a jolly hit. I'd rather snap off pictures like that than shoot a grizzly or a bull moose. Me for the gentle life. I'm no butcher."