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And over a pipe and a glass of sherry, he had to put up with a good deal of banter about his approaching "change of state." Still, it was kindly meant. "We'll 'ave to git up a bit o' company o' nights for yer lady when she comes," said old Ocock, and spat under the table.

They let him 'ave 'is say, and that night they brought 'ome two other sailormen wot 'ad bet agin Ginger to share their room, and, though they 'ad bet agin 'im, they was so fond of 'im that it was evident that they wasn't going to leave 'im till the fight was over. Ginger gave up then, and at twelve o'clock next day they started off to find the place. Mr.

Upon the whole, it was just as well, for the "old monument" was on her bony knees, with her head and shoulders quite lost in the secret depths of the kitchen range. "I wonder," she was muttering, "where 'e could 'ave put it. It would 'ave been just like that old skinflint to 'ave 'id it in the stove!" The Coming of Elaine

Bill Wrenn felt dizzy and, sitting on a grain-sack, listened amazedly to the Cockney's apologetic: "I'm sorry I ayn't got time to 'ave the law on you, but I could spare time to 'it you again."

"Deer Sur, i thinks it unkomon 'ard that a man shood 'ave is beed sold under im wen anuther man oas im munny, speshally wen is wifes ill praps a-dyin the Law has washt yoo sur, but it do seam 'ard on me, if yoo cood spair ony a pownd or two id taik it kind. Yoors to komand, John Timms." "This is very much to the point," said Mr Hazlit, with a faint smile, handing the letter to Aileen.

She did not speak with anger, but with determination that was rather frightening. She paused for a moment and then said: "If you don't pay next Saturday, I shall 'ave to complain to the secretary of the 'ospital." "Oh yes, that'll be all right." She looked at him for a little and glanced round the bare room.

It was my fault, and it shall be my fault, and nobody else's fault, except Tom's, and he will hate me, and never let me come near her to show that I am not a nasty spiteful thing! 'I think that if you are quiet and kind, and not flighty, he will forget all that, and be glad to let you be a sister to her. 'A sister to Ave Ward! Pretty preferment! muttered Gertrude. 'Poor Ave!

After asserting that under no circumstances whatever could she possibly take less than at least double the price that Stephen offered her she suddenly, at the sound of a child's shrill crying from below, shrugged her shoulders with: "There's young 'Lisbeth Anne again ... well, Mr. Brant, 'ave it your own way I'm contented enough I'm sure," and vanished.

He has already tried that 'Little Doodeen' of his, and broke it, too, just before I sang 'King Death. Have you heard my new song, 'The Body Snatcher, Mr. Warrington? angcored at Saint Bartholomew's the other night composed expressly for me. Per'aps you or your friend would like a copy of the song, sir? John, just 'ave the kyndness to 'and over a 'Body Snatcher' 'ere, will yer?

"Beset!" echoed Feversham. "Beset already?" "We can hear them moving on the moor. They are crossing the Langmoor Rhine. They will be upon us in ten minutes at the most. I have roused Colonel Douglas, and Dunbarton's regiment is ready for them." Feversham exploded. "What else 'ave you done?" he asked. "Where is Milor' Churchill?"