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No European could pass the gates of the city without being spat upon, and cursed by the barbarous Berbers. I paid a visit to M. Authoris, the Belgium merchant, and the only European trader carrying on business independently of the Emperor. He represented the commerce of the country to be in a most deplorable condition. "There is now nothing to buy or sell on which there is a gain of one per cent.

Et si quando nationis alterius quis ad legem conuertitur Sarracenorum, dum a flamine eorum recipiendus est, dicit et facit eum Dei nuncium, et repetit sic: Laellech ella alla Mahomet zoyzel alla heth: quod valet tantum: Non est Deus nisi vnus, et Mahomet fuit eius nuncius. De colloquio Authoris cum Soldano.

15 De tribus alijs Ecclesiis, et specialiter de Templo Domini. 16 De pluribus locis sacris extra vrbem. 17 De sacris locis extra muros ciuitatis. 18 De alijs locis notabilibus. 19 De Nazareth et Samaria. 20 De Territorio Galileae et Samariae. 21 De secta detestabili Sarracenorum. 22 De vita Mahometi. 23 De colloquio Authoris cum Soldano.

Boswell is not only very entertaining in his works, but they are so replete with moral and religious sentiments, without an instance, as far as I know, of a contrary tendency, that I cannot help having a great esteem for him; and if you think such a trifle as a copy of the Discourses, ex dono authoris, would be acceptable to him, I should be happy to give him this small testimony of my regard.

They act in the literal sense of 'Take no thought for the morrow, but let the morrow take care of itself. As to the Jews, they feast one day and fast the next." With regard to the excitement then existing, M. Authoris observed.

There are some lines "In laudem Authoris" by J.S., and the following: "Gentle Reader, Thinke it not amisse to peruse this Peece, yet connive at the Style: for it hath neede thereof, since wrought by an uncouth and rough File of one greene in yeares; as being aged under eight. Hence, worthy Reader, shew not thy self too-too-rigid a Censurer.