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They had two children, and these were their names, The boy Tulifauiave, and the girl Sinataevaeva. Chorus Aue! or wonderful! They were unkind to their children, and deserted them; They did not wish to have children. etc. Then said the girl to the boy: "Come let us go, Let us seek another home," and away they wandered. etc.

We would attend the fa'a-Rua, which we now call the ha'a-Piti, the wind that blows both ways, for we waited for the northeast or southwest trade-winds according to the direction we made for." The chief lifted his glass of wine, and chanted: "Aue mouna, mouna o Havaii! Havaii tupu ai te ahi veavea!" "Hail! mighty mountains, mountains of Havaii! Havaii where the red, flaming fire shoots up high!"

His numerous treatises on early German authors have shown that the German poets of the Middle Age, Godfrey of Strasburg, Wolfram von Eschenbach, Hartman von der Aue, Walter von der Vogelweide, and the rest, can hold their own against any contemporary writers in other lands.

They beat their breasts, cut themselves with shells, crying loudly, Aue! Aue! Neighbors rush in to see who has died. The youth and the girl run forth in terror. Then the mother, the grandmother and all other women of the house chant the praises of the girl, singing her beauty, and wailing that they cannot let her go. They demand with anger that the son shall not let her go.

"I have it straight from Papalangi Mativa himself." "Have what?" I asked. "Excellency," said Papalangi Mativa, "perhaps it is not high-chief-known to thee that I and mine come from a noble Savai'i stock, and that the son of my mother's sister, a stripling named O, numbered himself among the enemy and was to-day killed and his head taken on the field of Vaitele." "Aue!"

If one wore it over the left ear, one sought a sweetheart; if over the right, it signified contentment, and though it was as common as the wearing of hats, there were always jokes passing about these flowers, exclamations of surprise or wishes of joy. "What, you have left Terii?" "Aita. No." "Aue! I must change it at once." Now, really there was no such idea in the native mind.

With wreaths of green leaves on their heads, friends sat round the body wailing the long-drawn cry, Aué! Aué! or listening to some funeral chant recited in his praise. Women cut themselves with sharp sea-shells or flakes of volcanic glass till the blood ran down. The corpse sat in state adorned with flowers and red ochre and clad in the finest of mantles.

She dropped on the sand at his feet and clasped his knees, and a long, wailing note of grief rang out "AUE! AUE! my husband! if it so be that thou dost not heed the voices that call in the night, then, out of thy love for me and our child, let me come also. Then, if evil befall thee, let us perish together." Brantley raised his hand and pointed to the bowed and weeping figure.

"That banian-tree, my grandfather said, held the toua, the cord of cocoanut fiber that held the living meat suspended above the baking pit. There, you see, among the roots that was the oven, above which the prisoners hung. Here stood the great drums, and the servants of the priests beat them, till the darkness was filled with sound and all the valleys heard. "Aue!"

"That Vava he find everything. He like old-time tahutahu, sorcerer. He tell me Annexe no fish. He say now no fish till finish those masheen." She laughed and rubbed my shoulders. "The fish slip away," she said, "and leave only their scales! Aue!"