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"I roam, and roaming hope I to return; * Yet of returning see not how or when: I went for love of one I could not win, * Nor way of 'scaping ills that pressed could ken." When he ended his recital he wept, but presently he wiped away his tears and ate of the fruits of the earth enough for his present need.

And he was as amiable as his elders are apt to be so long as they are permitted to regard the visible universe as a possible plaything. At this time it was Eugenia's custom to hold him on her lap while she ate her meals, or to leave Miss Chris in charge if the small tyrant chanced to be asleep.

Leaving the porters to watch the two lions, we followed the third lion that had been seen in the valley. He had not gone far and we soon found him, but too far away to get a shot. For an hour we followed him, but he finally disappeared and could not be located again. It was sundown when our porters reached camp with the two lions, and it was then that we ate our long-deferred luncheon.

Anyway, Samuel come to tea, and he ate a big one and drank two glasses of the sloe gin after; and when he went away, he knew he loved Cicely Green better than anything in the world, and she knew she loved him.

"Isn't it wonderful?" she breathed, as they ate their luncheon. "This life in the open the pure clean air the magnificent world all spread out before you, beckoning you on, and on, and on. It makes a person strong with just the feel of living the joy of it. Just think, Winthrop, of being able to eat left-over biscuits and cold bacon and enjoy it!"

The gentlemen brought in their spirit-bottles; the housemaid placed divers plated bedroom candlesticks under the card-table; and the servants retired for the night. Chairs were drawn round the table, and the conversation proceeded in the customary manner. John Evenson, who never ate supper, lolled on the sofa, and amused himself by contradicting everybody.

There, now pitch in and tell me how you like grandma's cooking." Shaw ate heartily and praised everything. A few days afterwards she said, "Now, George, I guess I'll have to ask you to go to town and get some things we need for the house." Shaw readily agreed, and took out his paper and pencil. "Soap, starch, ten yards of cheesecloth that's for curtains," she said.

After we had enjoyed a very hearty meal of meat and bread, for we ate the last piece of bread that the ladies had given us that morning, we smoked our pipes a few moments, and then we spread our blankets on the ground under the only tree in ten miles of us, and we were soon lost to everything in a sleep that lasted until near night. I did at least. When I awoke I found Jim cooking meat for supper.

He had been poor, discredited, a convict on parole. Now he wore good clothes, traveled in a Pullman, ate in the diner, was a man of consequence, and, at least on paper, was on the road to wealth. He would put up at the Albany instead of a cheap rooming-house, and he would meet on legitimate business some of the big financial men of the West.

After dinner I still found them there arguing about the policy of starting on or waiting until night. Bowie wanted to start; but finally the little light-haired man had his way; and they melted away across the knolls to the west just after sunset. I returned with all the air of having driven them off, and ate my third meal cooked by Virginia Royall.