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Now, when as if by miracle I have caught you on the point of quitting Mantua, and when I can assure you, Amalia, it was no easy matter I have succeeded in enticing you here, you are so niggard with your time that would you believe it, Signor Abbate, he refuses to spare us more than a couple of days!"

This was in fulfillment of a promise made by the same angel messenger, and the marvel in the case of Elisabeth would assure Mary of the certain accomplishment of the gracious and more surprising promise to her.

"The members of the States dare not but be Queen Elizabeth's," continued the Earl, "for by the living God! if there should fall but the least unkindness through their default, the people would kill them. All sorts of people, from highest to lowest, assure themselves, now that they have her Majesty's good countenance, to beat all the Spaniards out of their country.

"Why so?" said Sir Robert, "what the d -l do you mind him for?" "O he is the greatest bore in nature!" cried the Captain, "and I always do mon possible to avoid him; for he breaks out in such barbarous phrases, that I find myself degoute with him in a moment." "O, I assure you," said Miss Larolles, "he attacks one sometimes in a manner you've no idea.

It was not enough for the nurses to assure their mistresses that from the instant that the child entered the gardens all the other children were out of temper, rebellious, and finally unmanageable. "Nonsense, Janet, you imagine things. She seems a very nice little girl."

"You say that because you know how to swim," said she, laughing and shaking her head; but the heart of the young woman was joyful. "You embrace me now every moment, my little one," said Madame de Tecle to her. "Is this really all intended for me?" "My adorable mother," while embracing her again, "I assure you he is really courting me again.

Nay, I myself was affected by my first declaration," "Doubtless," said Mr. Erwyn, and sank beside her. "Lord Stephen was very moving." "I can assure you," said she, smiling, "that he was not the first." "I' gad," said he, "I remember perfectly, in the old days, when you were betrothed to that black-visaged young parson "

"Ah, now, I'm quite disappointed, for I had made up my mind to that match, if only to aggravate Lady Ashton. She has no influence in that quarter, as anyone may see; and he is so decidedly 'smitten." "What nonsense you talk, Emily." "It is not nonsense. I assure you that I mean what I say. Ah, my dear, you had better consider the matter. Second thoughts, you know, are sometimes best.

He used to tell me wonderful stories of what he would accomplish if he could only get out into the world. "When he implored his father to let him go away, Captain Wegg used to assure Joe that he would some day be rich, and there was no need of his preparing himself for either a business or a profession; but that did not satisfy Joe's ambition, as you may imagine.

She nodded at him again, whether to hearten him or to assure him of their perfect unison he could not tell. "It was an awful jolt, wasn't it?" she inquired frankly. "You know, I should think it might make some of them laugh, the ones they say observe us from where is it from? Mars? up in the heavens somewhere. It's like reading a bitter sort of book. It is funny.