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I. No event recorded upon the page of history is more calculated to impress upon our minds the assertion of Solomon, than that to which we have just given our attention: "The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong ... for man also knoweth not his time, as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so ere the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them."

There was a guffaw at this modest assertion, but the disaffected miller's tones dominated the rude merriment. "Whenst a feller takes ter drink folks kin spell out a heap o' reasons but the true one an' that's 'kase he likes it. Hil'ry 'ain't never named that 'oman's name ter me, an' I hev knowed him ez well ez ennybody hyar.

They obey, and the plaintiff demands from the defendant the reason of his interference, "Postulo anne dicas quâ ex causâ vindicaveris," a question which is replied to by a fresh assertion of right, "Jus peregi sicut vindictam imposui."

The full assertion of the powers of the General Government requires the holding of circuit courts of the United States within the districts where their authority has been interrupted.

This night, December 13th, is the first time I have caught its flash. Tell it to the Hatteras keeper when you visit the cape." From Captain Hatzel I gleaned some facts of deep interest in regard to the inhabitants of the sound. Some of them, he told me, had Indian blood in their veins; and to prove the truth of his assertion he handed me a well-worn copy of the "History of North Carolina," by Dr.

With a very strong desire, therefore, though with no great hopes of finding them in the right, I venture to begin my inquiry, and engage in the examination of their first assertion, that the present law against the abuse of strong liquors is without effect.

The Hindoos are subjects of Victoria, but they are not Englishmen. Franklin shows that it was possible to produce a most genuine American of unquestioned greatness in the eighteenth century, and with all possible deference to Mr. Lowell and Mr. King, I venture the assertion that George Washington was as genuine an American as Lincoln or Franklin.

Some of them are poisonous substances. If you doubt this assertion, take the compound to any druggist of your acquaintance, and ask him to analyze it, and tell you what it is worth as a healing agent. If you need medical advice, go to some physician that you know and have confidence in.

Spark from my cigar fell on my hand." "You know, you smoke too much, Pat," said his wife, seizing the opening with the instinct which makes an Irishman at a fair hit every head he sees. "I'm all right, me dear. Faith, I c'u'd smoke wan hondred a day and no harm done." By way of proving the assertion he puffed out with increased vigor at his cigar.

She is not a favorite at all." "Then, child, I don't see that you are proving your assertion." "I know I'm not," laughed Marjorie. "Clarissa Parks is engaged; but so is Fanny Hunting, and Fanny is the plainest little body.