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It has been declared by thoughtful and learned people that there is no sensation in the world more delightful than may be produced by just this means, and Corbett's demeanor under the circumstances was such as to indicate the soundness of the assertion. He was a very happy man. And she, as soon as she could speak at all, broke out, impulsively: "Oh, dear, isn't it glorious!

Making all the allowance which a loose and general estimate usually requires, the assertion at least shows the estimation in which Sir Edward's services were held. A series of resolutions entered into by the merchants and underwriters of Bombay, in December, 1808, when he was on the point of returning to Europe, affords more precise evidence.

It commences with the assertion that he "has no prejudices to overcome, and would do the black all the good in his power," and winds up with a postscript strongly insisting upon the necessity of corporal punishment, the "great desideratum in obtaining labor from free blacks being its enforcement."

"As you please; but you will, I presume, permit me to convince myself of the truth of this assertion." Then, advancing towards Paul, the lawyer said, "Have the goodness to remove your coat." Paul took it off, and threw it upon the back of a chair. "Now," added Catenac, "roll up your right shirt sleeve to the shoulder."

He could be almost ruthless in the assertion of his will when the interests of his art or of justice seemed to demand it, yet there was a tender-heartedness in him which made it distressing to him to inflict pain on any one. The conflict of these elements in his nature sometimes made his actions seem inconsistent and indecipherable even to those who knew him.

To the end of time I shall persist in thinking you mine by right; but I will never trouble you more with an assertion of that right Never! Unless some new and unexpected claim should spring up, of which I see no probability. He bowed and was retiring.

The girls protested, but Joe, when once she had made an assertion, would brook no opposition. "Six o'clock; no earlier, no later. To-morrow mornin' we start at four o'clock. I've got all yer fodder, which-all I'll carry on June and July. Them's my pack mules. Work singly or in pairs. Kin kick like all possessed.

I mean to continue on my frontier, where all who love me can come and find me." He declared to several persons that he had detected a plot on the part of Leicester to have him assassinated; and the assertion seemed so important, that Villiers came to Councillor Clerk to confer with him on the subject.

Little affection has ever passed between us, and this time something more than usual seemed to have stirred him against me, for " "He tried to kill you!" The words were not a question but a breathless assertion as she remembered the Jotun's last threat. "He tried to kill me," the Marshal assented quietly. "And his blade did manage to pierce my mail; he is a giant in strength as in other things.

Do you lay down the law. Do you allow yourself the tone of positive, almost dictatorial, assertion, which, coming from a girl, so sets an old-fashioned person's teeth on edge; or do you try to speak in the tentative, suggestive, inquiring tone, which is not only required by good manners, but is also a real help to humility of mind?