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Besides, 's far's my observation 's extended no one don't ask f'r advice 'nless they've pretty well made up their mind not to take it, if so be 's it suits 'em better untook, 'n' when I make up my mind I'm goin' to do a thing anyhow so there ain't much use in me askin' you 'r anybody else what they think about it.

I ain't goin' to have no dirty-faced school kids askin' me questions I can't answer." "I reckon all you want to know is in that chest in the garret," sez I; "an' I reckon it's kept for you to read after well some day; but if I was you, I'd put back the letter an' I'd not think about it any more'n I could help.

Perhaps if Mo had been present she would merely have handed Micky the letter directed to his aunt, which would have been palpably no concern of Uncle Mo's, inquirin' and askin' questions. As it was, she accompanied it with verbal instructions: "Now you know what you've got to do, young Micky. You've just got to give this letter to your great-aunt Treadwell.

"'Perhaps this lady will know, he says an' it wasn't the way most of 'em talks here in Friendship, you understand 'I've been askin' the luggageman there, he says, an' he was smilin' almost like a laugh at what he thought I was goin' to answer, 'I've been askin' the luggageman there, if he knows of a wood near the station that I shall be likely to find haunted at this hour.

Why, there ain't a Shawnee or Miami in all these woods thet would he mean enough to take sech an' advantage ez askin' to be helped out by a squaw thet knowed witchcraft. Ez fur thet Paris feller, he wouldn't a-lived a week down in Kain-tuck-ee!" "But all this happened a long, long time ago, Tom, when ways were different," said Paul.

"You is sure annoyin'," he said in an aggrieved manner, "askin' me to go on record so plumb sudden. I'm no mind-reader." There was a pause, but the Ranger quietly waited. "It's embarrassin'," said Bob-Cat, "to try an' trot out a verdic' on snap-jedgment. I don't know." Rifle-Eye, quite unperturbed, looked at him steadily and inquiringly. "You know what you think," he said.

He held out a letter to the Judge. Judge Dolan took the letter and read it carefully. Then he looked across at Luke Tweezy. "This here," said he, tapping the letter with stiffened forefinger, "is a signed letter from Dale to you. It seems to be a reply in the negative to a letter of yores askin' him to sell his ranch." The Judge paused and glanced round the room.

The envelope smells sweet, but the writin' is dreadful big and sploshy-lookin'. Know anything about her?" Miss Mattie gazed sharply at Miriam over her spectacles. "No," returned Miriam, decisively. "Thought maybe you would. Anyhow, you don't need to be so sharp about it, cause there's no harm in askin' a civil question. My mother always taught me that a civil question called for a civil answer.

Buck removed his hat and bowed as if he were in a drawing-room. "Ma'am," he said, "I got the honour of askin' you to side-step up to the shanty with me an' tackle a plate of ham an' eggs. Are you on?" To this Chesterfieldian outpouring of the heart, she responded with a slow glance which started at Buck's feet, travelled up to his face, and then returned to the purple distance down the canyon.

While she was unreelin' the sprightly chatter he was inspectin' the baby, or talkin' with Vee, or askin' fool questions about the garden. Hardly takes a second glance at Lucy Lee. I expect he had her sized up as about sixteen. He could easy make that mistake. Maybe that's what started her in on this brisk offensive at dinner.