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Brother of girl puts her in his belt and carries her to place where agreement is made. When they reach gate of town, young girls offer them cakes, in order to take away bad signs seen on road. Boy's parents pay for girl and they marry. She gives birth to son named Asbinan. He marries Asigowan, but his jealous concubines cause her to cut her finger and she dies.

As soon as he married her all his concubines used their magic power so that while he was living with Asigowan she would cut her finger. Not long after she truly cut her finger and died. They put her in the tabalang which had a rooster on top of it. Then all the concubines of Asbinan were glad.

As soon as Asigowan of Nagwatowátan noticed the braveness of Asbinan she made balaua, and she commanded the people to pound rice. Not long after she commanded the betel-nuts to go and invite their relatives. The betel-nuts went to all the towns in the world and invited all the people.

Brother of girl puts her in his belt and carries her to place where agreement is made. When they reach gate of town, young girls offer them cakes, in order to take away bad signs seen on road. Boy's parents pay for girl and they marry. She gives birth to son named Asbinan. He marries Asigowan, but his jealous concubines cause her to cut her finger and she dies.

Not long after the people who lived in the same town as Asigowan, which was the town of Nagwatowátan, went to meet them at the spring, to give them dry clothes. They changed their clothes and went up to the town. As soon as they all danced Asbinan saw Asigowan and he wanted to marry her.

So he gave her betel-nut to chew and they told their names, and when they had told their names their quids showed that it was good for them to marry. The father and mother of Asigowan were Gagelagatan and Dinowágan, but she lived with the alan. Her father and mother did not know her until she made balaua and Asbinan did not know her until the balaua, then he married her at once.

The old woman Alokotán was there and Asigowan told Asbinan that she was the woman who gave her life again, so they treated her very good and the old woman Alokotán gave them all her property, and all the people who went to attend the party were very glad. "When I was a young fellow I went to all parts of the world, to every town where the tattooed Igorot live, who were all enemies.