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"The steppes of Asia are all out of the region of the tropics, and form in general the summit of very elevated plateaux. America also presents, on the reverse of the mountains of Mexico, of Peru, and of Quito, steppes of considerable extent.

"Brother," answered the fakeer, "the fame of Elezren is not confined to Delhi alone, since all Asia receives him; but where are the silver marks of wisdom on his cheeks, and the furrows of affliction, which are deep-wrought in the aged front of Elezren?" At these words the fakeer sprang from the ground, and, running into the streets, he made the air echo with his complaints.

The reader may be at a loss to understand how it happens that this eccentric character has been brought forward as a witness to the date of the martyrdom of Polycarp. He has been introduced under the following circumstances. In the postscript to the Smyrnaean letter an appendage of very doubtful authority we are told that the martyrdom occurred when Statius Quadratus was proconsul of Asia.

"I think that considering the way you've flirted with me," she declared, "you ought at least to have given me the opportunity of refusing you." "If Naida refuses me," he began "And I decide that Asia is too far away," she interrupted "We may come together, after all," he said, with a resigned little sigh. "Glib tongue and empty heart," she quoted. "Nigel, I would never trust you.

He had done rough work in Central Asia, and had seen rather more help-yourself fighting than most men of his years. But he was careful never to betray his superiority, and more than careful to praise on all occasions the appearance, drill, uniform, and organization of her Majesty's White Hussars. And, indeed, they were a regiment to be admired. When Mrs.

The distance of our shores from Europe and Asia of course reduces the necessity for maintaining under arms a great army, but it does not take away the requirement of mere prudence that we should have an army sufficiently large and so constituted as to form a nucleus out of which a suitable force can quickly grow.

It will be quite enough to say, that, in a certain country of Asia, a terrible monster, called a Chimaera, had made its appearance, and was doing more mischief than could be talked about between now and sunset.

Since the summer of that same year of 1933, the temper and the purposes of the rulers of many of the great populations in Europe and in Asia have not pointed the way either to peace or to good-will among men.

There are just two creatures I would envy, a horse in his wild state traversing the forests of Asia, or an oyster on some of the desert shores of Europe. The one has not a wish without enjoyment, the other has neither wish nor fear. Edinburgh, 30th Dec. 1787.

The first instalment of 400,000 yen has been paid according to the terms of this Agreement. The Europe and Asia Trading Company undertakes to raise a loan of 500,000 yen. After the Agreement is signed and sealed by the contracting parties the Japanese Central Bank shall hand over 3/10 of the loan as the first instalment.