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DISEASES: Errors of development Bacterial diseases: Pyogenic; Gonorrhœal; Tuberculous; Syphilitic; Acute rheumatism Diseases associated with certain constitutional conditions: Gout; Chronic articular rheumatism; Arthritis deformans; Hæmophilia Diseases associated with affections of the nervous system: Neuro-arthropathies; Charcot's disease Hysterical or mimetic affections of joints Tumours and cysts Loose bodies.

The general plan of treatment in this form of arthritis is the same as has been outlined under the head of infectious arthritis, with the exception that there is seldom occasion to provide for drainage of pus. Wounds.

"It would indicate," replied Thorndyke, "that the deceased had probably suffered from rheumatoid arthritis what is commonly known as rheumatic gout and he would probably have limped slightly and complained of some pain in the right hip." "I am afraid that doesn't help us much," said Mr.

When the cocci gain access to the joint, the lesion assumes the characters of a purulent arthritis, which, from its frequency during the earlier years of life, has been called the acute arthritis of infants. Separation of an epiphysis nearly always results in infection and destruction of the adjacent joint.

Rheumatism in childhood is not manifested by acute and short-lived attacks of great severity so much as by a long-continued succession of symptoms of a subacute nature, a transient arthritis, perhaps, succeeding an attack of sore throat with torticollis, to be followed by carditis, to be followed again by another attack of tonsillitis. And so the cycle of symptoms revolves.

Wasting of the muscles, especially the extensors, in the vicinity of the joint is a constant accompaniment of arthritis. On account of the involvement of the articular surfaces, arthritis is apt to be followed by ankylosis. The term empyema is sometimes employed to indicate that the cavity of the joint contains pus.

#Pneumococcal affections of joints#, the result of infection with the pneumococcus of Fraenkel, are being met with in increasing numbers. The local lesion varies from a synovitis with infiltration of the synovial membrane and effusion of serum or pus, to an acute arthritis with erosion of cartilage, caries of the articular surfaces, and disorganisation of the joint.

I've been to a specialist to please you, and a most depressing entertainment it has been. Arthritis! That's the thing people have who go about in Bath chairs, and have horrible twisted fingers. It was supposed to be incurable, but now they have `an occasional cure, so I must hope for the best! I do think doctors are the stupidest things! They have no tact.

Displaced semilunar cartilage, and a three months' job. The man's worth thirty-five shillings a week. And there! I'm hanged if the woman with the rheumatic arthritis isn't round in her bath-chair again. She's all sealskin and lactic acid. It's simply sickening to see how they crowd to that man. And such a man! You haven't seen him. All the better for you.

No difference exists between other symptoms in infectious arthritis caused by punctures, and non-infectious arthritis, excepting the intensity of the pain occasioned, the rise in temperature, circulatory disturbances, etc.; all of which have been previously mentioned. Treatment.