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A spoonful of beef-tea, of arrowroot and wine, of egg flip, every hour, will give them the requisite nourishment, and prevent them from being too much exhausted to take at a later hour the solid food, which is necessary for their recovery. And every patient who can swallow at all can swallow these liquid things, if he chooses.

Harding Cox for the board and lodging of seven dogs, and the régime was explained. They are fed on essence of meat, washed down with port wine, and have as a digestive eggs beaten up in milk and arrowroot. Medicated baths and tonics are also supplied, and occasionally the animals are treated to a day in the country. This course of hygiene necessitated an expenditure of ten shillings a week.

"Yes, yes you had no breakfast, darling Pauline, quickly, some arrowroot biscuits and a glass of milk." Anna herself brought in the little tray; she had a soft spot in her heart for this member of the black-hearted sex after all. "I put cream on them for you, darling," she said, and proffered the biscuits. Max munched away. "I like cleam," he said, licking it lovingly off one biscuit.

Muter, according to the appearance they give under the microscope, into five groups: Class I. Hilum and concentric rings visible. All the granules, oval or ovate. Tous-le-mois, potato, arrowroot, etc. Class II. The concentric rings are all but invisible, the hilum is stellate. Maize, pea, bean, etc. Class III. The concentric rings are all but invisible, also the hilum in the majority of granules.

We were about one hundred and ninety miles from Perth, in a direct line measured through the air. None of the party had more than six or seven pounds of flour left; whilst I had myself but one pound and a half, and half a pound of arrowroot; the native had nothing left and was wholly dependant on me for his subsistence.

Observe that it is colorless and either transparent or translucent, and when poured from one vessel to another is glairy and more or less adhesive. Its reaction is alkaline to litmus paper. Experiment 57. Make a thin paste from pure starch or arrowroot. Dilute a little of the saliva with five volumes of water, and filter it. This is best done through a filter perforated at its apex by a pin-hole.

Arrowroot, sago, tapioca, and similar foods are nutritious, and easily digested, and with milk furnish excellent articles of diet, especially for invalids and children. Explanation of the Graphic Chart.

If we had been left to ourselves, we should have killed them all with over-feeding; but Captain Bolton would allow them at first only a spoonful or two of weak brandy and water, and then a little arrowroot, and afterwards some soup; but not for some hours would he give them any heavy food, and even then a very little at a time.

Mrs Enderby remarked that she had no doubt she could learn from Mrs Grey or Sophia, the next time she saw either of them, where they procured their arrowroot. "It is a long time since I saw Mrs Grey," she observed, timidly. "My dear ma'am, how can you think of seeing any one in your present state?" inquired the daughter.

Very thin arrowroot made with water, with the addition of one third of milk, will suit in many cases, or equal parts of milk and water with isinglass, or equal parts of milk and the white decoction.