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It is probable that by to-morrow I shall be able to write you more about the Italo-Austrian war of 1866. GONZAGA, July 9, 1866. I write you from a villa, only a mile distant from Gonzaga, belonging to the family of the Counts Arrivabene of Mantua.

He became the head of a school of painting and had many imitators, but we hear little of his pupils, except that one of them was his own son, Pompino, who lived to be very old, and in his turn was successful as an artist. Correggio was buried with honours in the Arrivabene Chapel, in the Franciscan church at Correggio.

The last, within a few days, had been declared innocent, and discharged from prison, and the former again remained alone. Some other of our companions had also been set at liberty; the Professor Romagnosi, and Count Giovanni Arrivabene. Captain Rezia and the Signor Canova were together. Professor Ressi was dying at that time, in a prison next to that of the two before mentioned.

In the autumn of 1820, Maroncelli and many others, including Silvio Pellico, the young Piedmontese poet, were arrested as Carbonari, while the arrest of the so-called accomplices began with Count Giovanni Arrivabene of Mantua, who had no connection with the society, but was charged with having heard from Pellico that he was a member.

Pandolfo having died, he then returned to Urbino, where Guidobaldo, the second Duke, retained him for a considerable time, causing him to paint horse's caparisons, such as were used in those times, in company with Timoteo da Urbino, a painter of passing good name and much experience, together with whom he painted a chapel of S. Martino in the Vescovado for Messer Giovan Piero Arrivabene of Mantua, then Bishop of Urbino.

It is probable that by to-morrow I shall be able to write you more about the Italo-Austrian war of 1866. GONZAGA, July 9, 1866. I write you from a villa, only a mile distant from Gonzaga, belonging to the family of the Counts Arrivabene of Mantua.

"On reaching my home, as it happened to be Sunday, I found several callers waiting for me, amongst others Riza-Bey, the Turkish charge d'affaires, Navarrete, the Spanish poet, and Count Arrivabene, an Italian exile. I said to them: "'Gentlemen, Europe is about to lose a great mind. "He died during the night, at fifty-one years of age."