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I myzell been o' that zort one taime every bit so well as you be. And Betty held the lanthorn up, and defied me to deny it; and the light through the horn showed a gleam in her eyes, such as I had never seer there before. 'No odds, no odds about that, she continued; 'mak a fool of myzell to spake of it. Arl gone into churchyard. But it be a lucky foolery for thee, my boy, I can tull 'ee.

'Ten on 'em crossed the watter down yonner, said Gwenny, putting her hand to her mouth, and seeming to regard it as good news rather than otherwise: 'be arl craping up by hedgerow now. I could shutt dree on 'em from the bar of the gate, if so be I had your goon, young man. 'There is no time to lose, Gwenny.

"My missis plenty sick to-day," said Lily, "never seeing people that no good; to-morrow, she may be arl right, but now she must sleep, and I will take the new missy to her room."

Yet here lay these poor chaps, dead; dead, after a deal of pain, with little mind to bear it, and a soul they had never thought of; gone, their God alone knows whither; but to mercy we may trust. "Arl oop wi Moonmo," shouted one big fellow, a miner of the Mendip hills, whose weapon was a pickaxe: "na oose to vaight na moor. Wend thee hame, yoong mon agin."

"'Twude be a grand marriage vor the likes o' yu, Miss Zairy, vor the Crewys du be the yoldest vambly in all Devonsheer, as I've yeard tell; and yure volk bain't never comed year at arl befar yure grandvather's time. Eh, what a tale there were tu tell when old Sir Timothy married Mary Ann! 'Twas a vine scandal vor the volk, zo 'twere; but I wuden't niver give in tu leaving Youlestone.

He had set up his blue flag in the tap-room, and was teaching every one. "Here coom'th Maister Jan Ridd," said the landlady, being well pleased with the call for beer and cider: "her hath been to Lunnon-town, and live within a maile of me. Arl the news coom from them nowadays, instead of from here, as her ought to do. If Jan Ridd say it be true, I will try almost to belave it.

"Then a waving of hats began, and a bowing, and making of legs to wan anather, sich as nayver wor zeed afore; but none of 'em arl, for air and brading, cud coom anaigh the gentleman with the long grave face. "'Your warships have posted the men right well, saith he with anather bow all round; 'surely that big rogue will have no chance left among so many valiant musketeers.

Yet here lay these poor chaps, dead; dead, after a deal of pain, with little mind to bear it, and a soul they had never thought of; gone, their God alone knows whither; but to mercy we may trust. 'Arl oop wi Moonmo', shouted one big fellow, a miner of the Mendip hills, whose weapon was a pickaxe: 'na oose to vaight na moor. Wend thee hame, yoong mon agin.

Eh, but he's a smart little dug, we quite look for him of a morning coomin' for his constitutionil, fur arl the worl' like a Chreestian! 'Like a very greedy Christian! said his disgusted mistress. 'Daisy, she said, when she returned to the pony-cart, 'it's all true!

"'Any Justice of the King's Peace, good people, to be found near here? said the gentleman, lifting his hat to us, and very gracious in his manner. "'Your honour, saith Bill, with his hat off his head; 'there be sax or zeven warships here: arl on 'em very wise 'uns. Squaire Maunder there be the zinnyer.