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My dear sir or madam, the next time you are on your way from London to Ipswich, don’t rush along at express speed; get out at Ardleigh, make your way to the Vale of Dedham, then walk along the Stour, and cross it by a couple of rustic bridges, and you are at East Bergholt, in Suffolk, where Constable was born, and if you do so you will bless me evermore.

When the summer comes I hope that you will come down to Ardleigh and stay with us; it will give my mother great pleasure to see you again, for I never see her but she speaks of you, and wonders what has become of you, and if you are still alive."

He ditched the car near Ardleigh cross-roads, trying to avoid some fowls." Mr. Moze, hurrying too fast to meet the Bishop of Colchester, had met a greater than the Bishop. Audrey glanced an instant with a sick qualm at the outlines of the shape beneath the tarpaulin, and ran. In the dining-room, over the speck of fire, Mrs. Moze and Miss Ingate were locked in a deep intimate gossip.

"Assuredly I will come, and that with the greatest pleasure," Cyril said, "providing only that I am not then at sea, which is, I fear, likely, as I rejoin the ship as soon as Prince Rupert takes the sea against the Dutch. However, directly we return I will write to you." "If you do so, let it be to Ardleigh, near Shrewsbury, Shropshire.