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'Na, I won't kill yer, but if I 'ave any more of your sauce I'll do the next thing to it. 'Touch me if yer dare, she said, 'I'll 'ave the law on you. An' I shouldn't mind 'ow many month's 'ard you got. 'Be quiet! he said, and, closing his hand, gave her a heavy blow in the chest that made her stagger. 'Oh, you ! she screamed. She seized the poker, and in a fury of rage rushed at him.

A fine wreck of a man this useless cumberer of the earth. "I shouldn't be worth my mate if I did get better," he says, reflectively, and without the faintest trace of bitterness. "Nought but lumber in every one's road. Nay, I'd a deal sooner shift a'together. I've allus worked 'ard it 'ud not coom nat'ral to be idle. I'm ready to go, if it's the A'mighty's will."

He screamed away at the top of 'is voice for ten minutes, and then 'e pulled the winder to with a bang and went back to bed. Joe Barlcomb was very tired, but he walked on to Jasper Potts's 'ouse, trying 'ard as he walked to decide which o' the fust two 'ad made the most fuss.

His exploring right hand told him that the tap was in it. His native intelligence suggested a tumbler on the head of the cask, and the exploring hand proved the idea to be correct. "Brassey was wery 'ard on me to-night," he thought. "I'd like to have a swig." But Dumps was sadly in the way. To remove his left hand even for an instant from the dog's muzzle was not to be thought of.

He's quiet like and smooth-spoken, but when he does 'it he 'its 'ard, and when he shoots he shoots mortal straight. Now, what I says to you Christy Minstrels is this; we're all in the same box and we all want the same thing, although I admit there's a bit of a difference in our complexions. Some o' you jokers have got a fine richness of colour on your physiognimies that I don't pretend to emulate.

"You see, sare, it vos ven in Espagne de bivouac vos vairy ard indeet 'pon us, vor we coot naut get into de town at all, nevair, becos you dam Ingelish keep all de town to yoursefs vor we fall back at dat time becos we get not support no corps de reserve, you perceive so ve mek retrograde movement not retreat no, no but retrograde movement.

But she was not to be pacified at the moment, and departed to her own quarters murmuring. 'Well, Rowley, said I; 'and have you been to church? 'If you please, sir, he said. 'Well, you have not been any less unlucky than I have, I returned. 'And how did you get on with the Scottish form? 'Well, sir, it was pretty 'ard, the form was, and reether narrow, he replied.

"'What about me Ginger old pal? ses Sam, in a kind voice. 'We must divide it into threes. "'Threes? ses Ginger, staring at'im. 'Whaffor? "''Cos part of it's mine, ses Sam, struggling 'ard to be perlite. 'I've paid for everything for the last ten days, ain't I? "'Yes, ses Ginger. 'You 'ave, and I thank you for it. "'So do I, ses Peter Russet. 'Hearty I do.

'Ere's a corner beside me ye could sit in the waggon if ye liked, but it's 'ard as nails. 'Ere's a bit of 'oss- cloth for a cushion." The girl sprang up as he bade her and was soon seated. "Ye're a light 'un an' a little 'un, an' a young 'un," he said, with a chuckle "an' what ye're doin' all alone i' the wake o' the marnin' is more than yer own mother knows, I bet!" "I have no mother," she said.

''Ard lines, remarked Bundy as he finished his beer and put the glass down on the counter. 'Drink up and 'ave another, said Easton as he drained his own glass. 'I don't mind if I do, replied Crass, pouring what remained of the pint down his throat. Philpot's glass had been empty for some time. 'Same again, said Easton, addressing the Old Dear and putting six pennies on the counter.