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I teach you because I like you, me," replied the master, irritably. "But I can never repay you," answered Archie. "Me, I will give to the world a great musician; it is you! That's repay enough for me the satisfaction of making one great violinist. That's repay." And so it all came about. Day after day Ventnor taught, trained and encouraged Archie Anderson.

Archie pretended to share Congdon's surprise at this confession, delivered without the quiver of an eyelash. "I should never have guessed it," said Congdon. "I had sized you up as a college professor, or perhaps a lecturer on applied ethics," he added with a laugh; "we hardly look the black wretches we are!" "Let us hope not! But now to business.

A fortnight passed before a vessel sailed. Archie was placed in irons and so securely guarded in his dungeon that escape was altogether impossible. So harsh was his confinement that he longed for the time when a vessel would sail for Carlisle, even though he was sure that the same fate which had attended so many of Scotland's best and bravest knights awaited him there.

If it is satisfactory, I will send you a photograph, as we intend to exchange pictures and you shall have the very best. After this encounter, we sped along on our way toward Tours, wondering whether Mr. Skinner was collecting material, atmosphere, etc., for a French play. We are glad that our way lay through Tours and that Archie could have even a fleeting glimpse of the old capital.

Hardwicke let himself out through the little wicket-gate, and went back to the Latimer Arms. He entered the bedroom without disturbing Archie, who lay with his sunburnt face on the white pillow, smiling in his sleep. He could not find it in his heart to arouse him. The boy's lips parted, he murmured a word or two, and seemed to sink into a yet deeper slumber.

Frank and Archie never grew tired of hearing Uncle James tell the story of that fight, and nearly every day they examined the marks of the bullets on the logs, sometimes being foolish enough to wish that they had been there to take part in those exciting scenes, or that the robbers would return and make another attack on the house, so that they might be able to say that they had been in a real battle.

The Tinches had brought their dinner with them, and at noon they all sat on one of the grassy mounds in the churchyard, to take some refreshment before the afternoon service began. When they had finished, Archie wandered off, and came to a crowd of boys who were romping behind the church. When they saw him approach, they all stopped their noise, and looked at him wonderingly.

I hate the matinees; like singing at a KAFFEKLATSCH." She rose and turned on the lights. "Ah!" Fred exclaimed, "why do you do that? That is a signal that tea is over." He got up and drew out his gloves. "Not at all. Shall you be here Saturday night?" She sat down on the piano bench and leaned her elbow back on the keyboard. "Necker sings ELIZABETH. Make Dr. Archie go.

Words were needless; he knew all perhaps more than all and the hour of judgment was at hand. It is possible that, in this sudden revulsion of hope and before these symptoms of impending danger, Archie might have fled. But not even that was left to him.

And if Congdon had left New York for Bailey Harbor immediately to put into effect his threat to abduct his child, it might have been Congdon he had shot not Hoky! The Governor, scrubbing the paint from his hands, called over his shoulder: "An odd message! It had slipped under the seat. Good thing I found it." "Where did you find that car?" asked Archie with an attempt at indifference.